June 26, 2024

End of doctors strike as KMPDU strikes a deal with the Ministry of Health

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End of doctors strike as KMPDU strikes a deal with the Ministry of Health

The Health Ministry has announced reaching a final agreement with doctors to end the 56-day nationwide strike

The Health Ministry has announced reaching a final agreement with doctors to end the 56-day nationwide strike.

In a meeting with KMPDU officials, government authorities made agreements to end the 56-day health practitioners’ strike on May 8, 2024. 

The statewide physicians’ strike that plunged the country into a health crisis is coming to an end, the Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday. 

The Ministry declared through official channels that the government has achieved an agreement to end the 56-day go-slow. 

According to the Ministry, the agreement was reached following a lengthy meeting between the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU) and government authorities. 

The government and health officials signed the return-to-work formula on Wednesday evening, in accordance with the Labour Relations Court’s ruling.

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The court’s verdict directed the two opposing groups to negotiate an agreement and end the long-running doctors’ strike.

Following the signature of the deal between the doctors and the government, KMPDU plans to provide guidelines on when the doctors will resume work.

They have been in negotiations with a ‘Whole of the Nation Approach’ committee comprised of the Ministry of Health, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, and the Head of Public Service for quite some time now. 

However, the talks were mainly unsuccessful because the government offered Ksh.70,000 for medical interns instead of the Ksh.206,000 stipulated in the 2017 CBA.

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