July 3, 2024

Gabon interim leader, Nguema defends coup against Ali Bongo, “Our action was necessary”

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Gabon interim leader, Nguema defends coup against Ali Bongo, "Our action was necessary"

Gabon interim leader, Gen Brice Nguema says ousting of Ali Bongo from power was an act of patriotism

Gabon interim leader, Gen Brice Nguema says ousting of Ali Bongo from power was an act of patriotism.

General Brice Nguema has been sworn in as president of the transitional government in the capital Libreville Gabon after a coup that saw the oustong of President Bongo.

Speaking after being sworn in as Gabon’s interim president, Gen Brice Nguema defended the seizure of power, saying that it was a patriotic act.

Nguema was given a standing ovation by military officers and officials as he arrived for the ceremony, and again just after he was sworn in by a panel of constitutional court judges.

Repeatedly interrupted by cheers, he described the coup, which ended the Bongo family’s 56-year hold on power in the oil-producing country, as a moment of national liberation and a manifestation of God’s will.

He quoted Ghana’s former military leader, and later elected president, Jerry John Rawlings, saying that: “When the people are smashed by the leaders, then it’s the military who must give them back their dignity and freedom.

“It is in this spirit that we the defence forces took their responsibilities by refusing the… biased electoral process.”

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In a speech, Nguema proposed reforms including a new constitution to be adopted by referendum, new electoral and penal codes, and measures to prioritise local banks and companies for economic development. 

in his inaugural address, Gen Brice Nguema said:

  • There should be a referendum on a new constitution
  • There should be a new electoral law and a new penal code
  • There will be a free and transparent elections

Several figures from Bongo’s government, including the vice president and prime minister, attended the ceremony.

Bongo himself remains under house arrest. He was elected in 2009, taking over from his late father who came to power in 1967. 

Opponents say the family did too little to share Gabon’s oil and mining wealth with the country’s 2.3 million people.

Nguema reiterated that his administration would organise free and fair elections, though he gave no timetable.

“After this transition … we intend to return power to civilians by organising new elections that will be free, transparent, credible and peaceful,” he said.

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