July 2, 2024

Go kneel before Raila, and ask for forgiveness; Jalang’o told after expulsion from ODM

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Go kneel before Raila, and ask for forgiveness; Jalang'o told after expulsion from ODM

Eric Omondi advices MP Jalang’o to go and kneel before ODM leader Raila Odinga for forgiveness over his expulsion from the party

Eric Omondi advices MP Jalang’o to go and kneel before ODM leader Raila Odinga for forgiveness over his expulsion from the party.

Comedian Eric Omondi has asked Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor, alias Jalang’o, to apologize to Raila for choosing to work with President William Ruto.

In an interview with Radio 47 on Friday, Omondi told Jalang’o to also apologize to Lang’ata residents, the ODM party, and God.

“What I would like to advise Jalang’o is, that he should wake up early, get ready, have his breakfast, get into his car, and head to Baba Raila Amollo Odinga, kneel before him, and ask for forgiveness,” he said.

“After that, he should go back to parliament, ask for forgiveness from the voters, and then head to church so that he can ask for forgiveness from God as well as the ODM members.”

Eric Omondi said if Jalang’o does not go before those he is supposed to apologize to, then he should forget about prospering.

And asked if he would vie for Lang’ata’s seat in case of Jalang’o’s dismissal, he said the voice of the people is the voice of God.

He said he does not want a situation where the MP will give up the Lang’ata seat since he will have let him down.

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“My major problem at the moment is not Lang’ata but President William Ruto. I usually tell people that concerning Lang’ata, the voice of the people is the voice of God. All the voices I’ve been hearing about me vying for the seat are not my voice but that of God

Omondi who has been billed as a potential candidate for the Lang’ata MP seat said he is not focused on capturing the seat but hinted that he might consider it in the future if the people deem him fit.

The comment by Eric Omondi comes at a time when Jalang’o and five other MPs from the ODM party are having a case at the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal where they are challenging their expulsion from the party.

Others in the case are, Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

The five are accused of advancing the political agenda of the other political parties contrary to the law.

The five have secured orders barring their suspension from the ODM party pending the hearing of their case.

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