July 3, 2024

How Ruto laid out a well-oiled plan to tame opposition ahead of world leaders’ visit to Kenya; Uhuru ally

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How Ruto laid out a well-oiled plan to tame opposition ahead of world leaders' visit to Kenya; Uhuru ally

Jeremiah Kioni claims Ruto only engaged opposition in bipartisan talks for a public relations gimmick due to world leaders visiting Kenya

Jeremiah Kioni claims Ruto only engaged opposition in bipartisan talks for a public relations gimmick due to world leaders visiting Kenya.

Jubilee Secretary General, Jeremiah Kioni now claims the opposition has ascertained that the government laid out a well-oiled plan to tame the opposition in an effort to show that the country was united. 

Still, Kioni claimed the administration benefitted from this PR stunt since the opposition’s demands—which included a reduction in the cost of living—were not fulfilled. 

This explains the camaraderie that was evident between Raila and Ruto during the State Dinner held on Tuesday, October 31, at the State House in honor of King Charles.

The same happened at the Africa Climate Summit at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC), where Raila was welcomed as one of the main State guests by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. 

“They (government) were very clear in their mind what they wanted. There was a team of 15 African leaders who were coming into the country before, and they needed us to have a calm country to give the perception that all was well in Kenya. 

“We had the Climate Change African summit and then the King. These were issues where they needed to give the impression that all is well and we are legitimately elected as leaders of the country,” Kioni told NTV on Friday. 

He further said that in order to control the opposition before the visits by important international leaders, President Ruto consented to the bipartisan negotiations led by the National Dialogue Committee. 

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Kioni maintained that the negotiations between Kenya Kwanza’s Kimani Ichung’wah (Kikuyu MP and majority leader of the National Assembly); and Kalonzo Musyoka, the former vice president and leader of the Wiper Party, were a waste of time. 

He claimed the dialogue was held only to prevent the opposition from holding the government accountable. 

According to Kioni, during the three months where the talks were underway, the government embezzled funds, as seen through the controversial government-to-government Saudi oil deal and the Ksh6 billion edible oil scandals under the Ministries of Energy and Trade, respectively. 

“Kenya Kwanza was all along managing Azimio and that the committee sessions were a waste of time 

“We got into the discussions, and they are dilly-dallying. They didn’t have an interest in dealing with the interim measures. It was a question of what meetings we would have, the programs, and the work plan. They were asking about issues that were meant to delay the process,” Kioni, a close ally of Raila and former President Uhuru Kenyatta, claimed. 

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