June 29, 2024

How senators voted on Governor Kawira Mwangaza impeachment

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How senators voted on Governor Kawira Mwangaza impeachment

Governor Kawira Mwangaza survived the second impeachment as the majority of senators voted in her favour

Governor Kawira Mwangaza survived the second impeachment as the majority of senators voted in her favour.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza on Wednesday night, November 8, survived a second impeachment after all the seven charges against her were dismissed. 

Among the charges the Governor faced included; misappropriation and misuse of county resources, nepotism and related unethical practices, bullying, vilification, illegal appointment and usurpation of statutory powers, and demeaning of other leaders. 

The governor will continue to hold office as a majority of lawmakers voted against each of the seven accusations made against her.

“The result of the division indicates that the Senate has not upheld any of the impeachment charges. The Senate has failed to remove from office by impeachment Governor Kawira Mwangaza and the Governor accordingly continues to hold office, “Senate speaker Amason Kingi made the announcement after Senators voted to throw out the charges.  

Regarding the first accusation, twenty-eight senators disagreed with the evidence supporting the assertion of embezzlement and misuse of county finances, while nineteen senators agreed.

Fifty-five senators voted against the second allegation of nepotism, while five senators supported it.

44 senators disagreed with the third accusation of her harassing and degrading other leaders, while 3 senators supported her impeachment.

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Twenty Senators supported the MCAs on the fourth accusation of unlawful nominations and misuse of statutory authorities, while 27 Senators disagreed.

For the fifth charge of contempt of court, 3 Senators found sufficient evidence, while 44 voted that the charge had not been substantiated.

In the charge of illegally naming a road after her husband, 4 Senators agreed that the evidence met the required threshold, while 43 disagreed.

On the final charge of Contempt of County Assembly, 10 Senators agreed that the Governor had shown contempt, whereas 37 disagreed.

This was the second time the Meru Governor appeared in the Senate for an impeachment hearing after surviving a similar attempt in December 2022.

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