July 5, 2024

IEBC update on counties that have uploaded all forms 34As 

2 min read

IEBC updates on the counties that have uploaded all forms 34As for presidential results as of Wednesday.

As presidential results forms continue trickling at the IEBC portal, Wafula Chebukati has provided an update on counties that have uploaded all forms 34As.

According to IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati, only eight counties have uploaded 100% of forms 34As to the IEBC portal. 

Chebukati added that the results in the forms uploaded are final and can not be altered. 

Uasin Gishu, Siaya, Nyeri, Nyamira, Murang’a, Kericho, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Bomet are counties that had uploaded all the forms from their respective polling stations as of Wednesday, August 10. 

In Uasin Gishu County, 961 forms 34As have been uploaded on the portal, Kericho has reported 924, Elgeyo Marakwet 555, Bomet 855, Marang’a 1,189, Siaya 1036, Nyamira 643, and Nyeri 965. According to information on the IEBC portal, 45,565 forms 34As out of 46,229, representing 98.56%, had been uploaded by the returning officers in the respective polling stations. 

In addition, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission said that 14 million out of the 22 million registered voters cast their votes Tuesday, representing 64.6 percent of the total registered voters.

However, Chebukati clarifies that the statistics do not include voters who were identified manually.

“So far there are 14 million votes cast yesterday, which is about 64. 6 percent. These numbers do not include voters who took part in the exercise manually after technological hitches developed in some parts of the country,” Chebukati said.

He added that the commission had received 97.65 percent of Form 34A from the polling stations across the country.

Also read,

IEBC receives almost 98 percent of Form 34As but yet to start tallying of results

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