July 3, 2024

Inside Ruto development tour of Luo Nyanza; list of projects to be launched

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Inside Ruto development tour of Luo Nyanza; list of projects to be launched

Ruto will be in Luo Nyanza from next week Friday where he'll launch and commission various development projects

Ruto will be in Luo Nyanza from next week Friday where he’ll launch and commission various development projects.

Political leaders from Luo Nyanza have been urged to join President William Ruto in his four-day development tour of the region set to take place next week.

President will be visiting the four counties in Nyanza as ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo called upon political leaders to join him on the tour.

According to Interior Permanent Secretary Raymond Omollo, the president’s itinerary will begin in Kisumu before proceeding to Siaya and then to Homa Bay and Migori, in the order stated.

Omollo was speaking Saturday shortly after a meeting will grassroots leaders at the Asembo home of Information Communication and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo to arrange how the head of state will be welcomed.

“We had an elaborate meeting with grassroots leaders drawn from all the regions of Nyanza to appraise them of the planned visit by the president, how we are getting ready to receive him, and to inform them on the projects that he will either be launching or commissioning,” the PS said.

Kisumu County Projects

  1. Kabonyo-Kanyagwal Fish Processing Plant
  2. Koru-Bible College Road
  3. Commissioning of the Lake Basin Mall
  4. Commissioning of MV Uhuru 2 to begin plying its trade in Lake Victoria

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Siaya County Projects

  1. Bondo-Lihunda Road
  2. A digital laboratory at Mahaya TVC in Asembo, Rarieda Subcounty
  3. Groundbreaking of a Level 4 Hospital at Siaya Governor James Orengo’s Ugenya backyard
  4. A digital laboratory at Mutumbu in Gem Constituency
  5. Attend a thanksgiving ceremony of Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo

Homa Bay Projects

  1. Launch of Mfangano ring-road
  2. A visit to Victory Fish Farms in Sindo
  3. Launch the construction of Sindo-Magunga Roa
  4. Launch rehabilitation works of Homa Bay Pier (Other piers on the radar of the president are Kendu Bay Pier, Mbita Pier, and Asembo Bay Pier)
  5. A UDA branch office

Migori County Projects

  1. Last Mile Water Connectivity Project at Kegonga in Kuria East
  2. Launch of an affordable housing project at Mareba Kuria West
  3. A meeting with sugarcane farmers in Awendo to resuscitate the sugar sector
  4. Commissioning of a tuition bloc at Rongo University

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