June 27, 2024

Kalonzo admits Ruto is wooing his Wiper party members

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Kalonzo admits Ruto is wooing his Wiper party members

Kalonzo admits President Ruto is wooing his Wiper party members as he refutes reports on planning to dump Raila

Kalonzo admits President Ruto is wooing his Wiper party members as he refutes reports on planning to dump Raila.

Following a Wednesday, February 8 meeting between Jubilee and ODM rebel MPs and President William Ruto, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka denied reports of a State House meeting.

On Thursday, February 9, during Azimio Parliamentary Group (PG), Kalonzo disputed intentions to decamp Azimio la Umoja led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

However, he did observe that Ruto had made an effort to win over his party members.

In particular, Kalonzo hinted that Ruto’s most recent charm effort had included an invitation to the State House for some of his party’s leaders.

“I just got information that Wiper leaders from Makueni were invited to go to State House, and they declined politely.

“I know that people have said that Wiper will be next (to go to State) but there are no such plans,” he stated.

On the other hand, Kalonzo called out Ruto for bypassing party structures in his meetings with Azimio leaders, even as he advised their members to inform their party leaders in advance.

“You can send very powerful messages very politely. You cannot go cannibalizing political organisations by inviting members without reference to their leadership,” the wiper part boss stated.

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Nonetheless, he called on the Raila-led team to exercise tolerance towards Lang’ata Member of Parliament Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o who had attended the meeting before being kicked out.

He offered to mediate between Jalang’o and the Azimio faction.

“I was looking for Jalang’o, and I will also look for him after this. You cannot also throw them out when somebody wants to say sorry. 

“You can imagine the poor state of mind Jalang’o is in because Kibra is now a hostile ground. He is supposed to enjoy his tour of duty,” he stated.

Raila’s security team kicked the Lang’ata MP out of the PG minutes after gaining access to the venue.

On the other hand, former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga called on Jalang’o and other ODM MPs who had visited Ruto at State House on February 7 to resign.

“The Members of Parliament who defected need to resign and go, and seek a fresh mandate from the electorate,” he directed.

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