July 8, 2024

Kalonzo exposes Ruto’s plan to stay in power 

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Kalonzo exposes Ruto's plan to stay in power

Kalonzo exposes Ruto's plan to stay in power in the coming 2027 general elections.

Kalonzo exposes Ruto’s plan to stay in power in the coming 2027 general elections.

President William Ruto was charged with plotting to win the 2027 elections by seizing control of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission by the leader of the Wiper party, Kalonzo Musyoka (IEBC).

On Saturday, December 3, Kalonzo accused Ruto of backing the purge against the four IEBC commissioners in order to install other officials who would comply with his demands in the 2027 Presidential General Election while addressing at a book launch in Machakos.

The Azimio Principal said that Ruto was a tyrant and claimed that Justice Nyang’aya, a commissioner, had resigned as a result of Ruto’s constant attacks.

“Look at this trend of taking us back into the days of dictatorship. I saw one of the commissioners could not take it, he resigned,” Kalonzo stated.

The former vice president also claimed that Ruto’s move to suspend commissioners Francis Wanderi, Juliana Cherera, Nyang’aya, and Juliana Cherera weakened the independence of the electoral body.

“Are you preparing to run in 2027 and what type of election would it be if the electoral commission would be a one-man show?” Kalonzo wondered.

His sentiments were echoed by Narc Kenya Party leader, Martha Karua, who lamented that Ruto’s administration was retrogressive.

“But what is very disturbing about politics today is that the more we change, the more things remain the same and I have realized the transformation never ends,” Karua insisted.

Ruto suspended the four commissioners and formed a tribunal headed by Justice Aggrey Muchelule. 

After 30 days, the tribunal will submit its report, which will seal the fate of the commissioners.

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