July 3, 2024

Kalonzo U-turn on recognizing Ruto presidency

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Kalonzo U-turn on recognizing Ruto presidency

Kalonzo makes a U-turn as he dismisses his earlier statement that Azimio coalition now recognizes William Ruto presidency

Kalonzo makes a U-turn as he dismisses his earlier statement that Azimio coalition now recognizes William Ruto presidency.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has dismissed reports that Azimio recognizes President William Ruto as legitimate.

In a statement on Sunday, Kalonzo stated that his statements about the legitimacy of the current regime were taken out of context.

“I have noticed that a section of the media has in the last few hours misquoted my recent statement on the state of affairs in our country. Particularly on the legitimacy of the current regime,” he said. 

The Wiper Leader pointed out that through bipartisan talks, they will be able to conduct an audit of the 2022 presidential elections and resolve the validity of the Kenya Kwanza government.

Kalonzo had on Saturday commended Ruto for his support for bipartisan talks despite opposition by a section of leaders.

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“We are going to call everybody to order. And nobody is going to stop these discussions. On that part, I must congratulate the President because he has put his foot down anasema mazungumzo iendelee,

“Na kwa sababu ya kuonyesha msimamo huo, hata na sisi tunazidi kumtambua,” said Kalonzo.

His sentiments did not sit well with some Azimio La Umoja members including Martha Karua who deputized ODM party leader Raila Odinga in the 2022 general elections which was fiercely contested and went all the way to the Supreme Court, which unanimously declared William Ruto as the winner. 

According to political analysts, Kalonzo Musyoka stands a chance to bid for the Presidency in the next general elections if Raila Odinga will second him.

Raila who has contested for the Presidency for a record five times is not seen as a competitor because of the age factor.

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