July 3, 2024

Karua issues statement on dialogue report ‘waste of time and taxpayers’ money

3 min read
Karua issues statement on dialogue report 'waste of time and taxpayers' money

NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua terms the National Dialogue Report as a waste of time and taxpayers'

NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua terms the National Dialogue Report as a waste of time and taxpayers’ 

In a statement on Thursday, Karua reaffirmed her earlier position on the recently released National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report.

Karua said the report did not address key issues that forced Kenyans to demonstrate.

The cost of living, the 2022 election audit, and respect for political parties and multiparty democracy, according to Karua, are still issues that need to be properly resolved.

“The findings of the NADCO report confirm that the committee was formed by the unwilling, composed of the incompetent to do the unnecessary,” Karua said during a press conference on Thursday.

The principal of Azimio, who seemed to be reading from a different script from Raila Odinga’s about the audit of the election, contended that nothing concrete will be accomplished as Kenya Kwanza controls parliament.

She disagreed with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission’s (IEBC) charter, arguing that the audit of the most recent election had to come first.

The NADCO report states that there will be an audit and proposes a parliamentary process where the leader of the majority and minority will appoint auditors for each side.

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This, according to Karua, is a departure from “what we in Azimio had proposed which is an independent systems audit and a forensic audit”.

“These proposals make the audit a parliamentary process which is the comfort zone of Kenya Kwanza,” she added.

Karua proposed a freeze on the selection of new commissioners for 45-60 days until what ails the electoral system is cured.

She said with the talks having taken eight months, the country can afford to freeze the process again.

“The country has consistently changed IEBC commissioners every election cycle starting with 2008 when an entire commission was sent home… We need to accept that change of commissioners without identifying what ails our electoral system is not a panacea to the ills that bedevil the commission,” said Karua.

The report, she added, has nothing to alleviate the suffering of citizens, especially on the cost of living, but instead offers goodies to the leaders.

“It is a fraud which Kenyans should frown upon and reject. It is a distracting national smokescreen,” she said.

However, despite appearing to differ with Raila on the Report, Karua clarified that she’s still a member of Azimio coalition.

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