June 26, 2024

Kenya Kwanza dismisses plans to impeach DP Gachagua

3 min read
Kenya Kwanza dismisses plans to impeach DP Gachagua

Kenya Kwanza dismisses plans to impeach DP Rigathi Gachagua vowing to defend him while terming the threat as ‘hot air.’

Kenya Kwanza dismisses plans to impeach DP Rigathi Gachagua vowing to defend him while terming the threat as ‘hot air.’

Kenya Kwanza coalition members have mocked Bumula MP Jack Wanami’s plans to introduce a motion to impeach Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, claiming that his actions will backfire.

On January 3, the leaders, led by Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, declared that they would not permit any legislator to denigrate the Deputy President.

“If anyone believes they have the wherewithal or authority to bring an impeachment, they should be aware that we will deal with them on the house floor,” Kahiga dared. 

The governor added that the people under the same coalition elected the President and his deputy. 

They thus ought to be respected as other leaders had total confidence in their leadership.

“We have heard one or two people discussing impeachment, and I want to remind them that the President and his deputy were both elected on the same ticket,” Kahiga added.

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The leaders added that it was reasonable for Gachagua to ask Sakaja to take his time with his congestion plan as it would disrupt city life. 

Nyeri Senator Wahome Wamatinga echoed Kahiga, adding that “the motion would not see the light of day.” 

“We want to tell Gachagua to soldier on and fight for the farmers in the coffee, milk, and tea sectors.

“Work for the hustlers in Gikomba, Nyamakima, and bus owners from not only the Central Kenya region but from the rest of the country,” the senator asserted.

Mukurweini MP John Kaguchia added that attempts to impeach the deputy president would be pointless, stating that the MP who intended to bring the motion had never contributed to the Parliament proceedings.

“We want to assure our DP that we are solely behind him and we will bring down the motion as it has no basis and even the mover of the motion is not known and he has never spoken in Parliament,” Kaguchia argued. 

Jack Wanami, the Bumula MP, had threatened to introduce a motion advocating for the impeachment of Gachagua, accused of gross misconduct.

Wanami claimed that the Deputy President only addressed issues that affected the people from the Mt Kenya region.

“Every time that man opens his mouth, you wonder whether he is the Deputy President of Kenya or he is the Deputy President of the Mt Kenya region,” Wanami stated

The MP further claimed that Rigathi Gachagua was hindering the development of Nairobi County by opposing Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s plans to decongest the city.

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