July 2, 2024

Kiambu people have been sidelined in state appointments; CS Kuria

3 min read
Kiambu people have been sidelined in state appointments; CS Kuria

CS Kuria claims Kiambu has been sidelined in the state appointments in President Ruto's administration

CS Kuria claims Kiambu has been sidelined in the state appointments in President Ruto’s administration.

Public Service, Performance, and Delivery Management Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria now asserts that Kiambu County has been excluded from the distribution of state jobs by the Kenya Kwanza administration.

While referencing the sacking of Josephine Njeri Mburu, the former Principal Secretary, of the State Department for Health Standards and Professional Management over alleged involvement in corruption at the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency, Kuria maintained that her position should have been replaced by a resident from a constituency she hailed from.

Speaking at AIPCA Karure in Gatundu North Constituency, Kuria said Kiambu County deserves more from the national government, having contributed greatly to President William Ruto’s victory.

“When it comes to government jobs allocation, Kiambu is a bit put aside and it should be noted that were it not for this county, Ruto was facing a possible loss. For instance, the position that was held by Josephine would have been replaced by a resident from Gatundu North,” Kuria said.

At the same time, he asked leaders from the expansive Mount Kenya region to stop attacking him unnecessarily.

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In what was seemingly directed at leaders who have been censuring him over his alleged leadership flaws, Kuria upheld that the position he currently holds was given to him by President Ruto in return for the massive votes he received from Kiambu County.

CS Kuria stressed that anyone firing at him is indirectly attacking Kiambu residents, who gave Ruto 606,429 votes out of the 1.2 million registered in the expansive county.

He stated that were it not for Kiambu residents, Ruto would have been floored by his challengers and therefore, residents and leaders from the county should be accorded the respect they deserve.

“Those who fight me should know that there is a place I call home. We were all born by women and you all see some of the things that are done to me in this country. Here in Kiambu, we voted Ruto the most and I thank him for giving me my current position which apparently belongs to you residents. Those fighting me should know they are attacking the county that voted for the head of state the most. I leave them to God,” Kuria told adherents at the church.

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