July 3, 2024

Kikuyu elders move to reconcile Raila and Gachagua

3 min read
Kikuyu elders move to reconcile Raila and Gachagua

Kikuyu Council of Elders move to reconcile Raila and Gachagua following their negative utterances against each other

Kikuyu Council of Elders move to reconcile Raila and Gachagua following their negative utterances against each other.

The effort to reconcile Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Azimio leader Raila Odinga has been initiated by the Kikuyu Council of Elders.

Recently, Gachagua accused Raila of instigating Kenyans by urging nationwide protests, while the leader of the ODM branded the DP as a hardliner in pushing for talks aimed at bringing the nation together.

Speaking on Friday, the council chairman Wachira Kiago said that they have initiated the process to reconcile the two for national unity.

Even though he urged the church and elected officials to bring the community together and ensure that everyone fulfills their various tasks, he emphasized that unity is essential for the growth and development of the nation.

Wachira urged both the Azimio team and the Kenya Kwanza to embrace each other and strike out effective working formulae.

“Rigathi Gachagua is our leader and our son from the mountain and we will reach out to him to strike peace with Odinga for the sake of the country,” he said.

During the last general election, the Kikuyu Council of Elders supported Raila’s quest for the presidency but lost to Gachagua and President William Ruto.

He said the unity and peace accord is aimed to heal the country from the last general election where Kenyans were divided along political lines.

The Azimio leader, who spoke to the nation on Tuesday, claimed that President Ruto and his allies had invented the idea of a “handshake,” stressing that his call for protests is intended to pressure the government to keep its election-related pledges.

“We have never discussed the ‘handshake’. This is the language that is coming from the other side. They are the ones who have been saying that these people want a ‘handshake’ and a sharing of the cake. Take it to Mr. Gachagua, I do not even want to shake his hands,” Raila said. 

Speaking at an oil consecration ceremony in Kiambu county on Thursday, the DP said that he did not want to shake Raila’s hand either and that his people did not want a ‘handshake’.

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Gachagua said that he won’t be part of any negotiation with the Azimio leader and warned Ruto of any such move.

 “Those individuals should let me be. I am not a hardliner; I am merely voicing the desires of my superiors. My constituents do not desire a ‘handshake’ – or do you?”

President Ruto has said that he will not have a ‘handshake’ with the opposition, saying that waters down democracy.

The head of state said a bipartisan approach on the matter through Parliament would, however, be sufficient to address the areas of concern.

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