July 1, 2024

Kisii residents protest Matiang’i’s mistreatment

2 min read
Kisii residents protest Matiang'i’s mistreatment

Kisii residents take to the streets to protest Matiang'i’s mistreatment by Ruto's administration

Kisii residents take to the streets to protest Matiang’i’s mistreatment by Ruto’s administration.

A hundred of residents in Kisii went into the Streets of Kisii town to protest the questioning of former interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Headquarters.

The Residents argued the questioning of Matiangi by the DCI investigators should follow protocol and be handled like any other Kenyan.

They asked President William Ruto’s administration to follow the law should Dr. Matiang’i be found to have committed any crime.

When speaking to the media, they declared that Matiangi should be treated with dignity as he has successfully served the nation in a number of dockets.

While chanting ‘No Matiangi no peace ‘ they asked the police to follow the law by taking him to court and charge him.

“We are very disappointed with how the police are handling the Matiang’i issue, take him to court and stop mishandling him,” Said Jilian Obaigwa.

Mr. Samson Obwoge said the government should concentrate on finding ways to lower the cost of food and fighting bandits in parts of Rift Valley instead of following the former CS whom they claimed was innocent.

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“We are shocked that instead of the government officials working on how to lower the high cost of living, they are busy following our son,” said Mr. Obwoge.

The Residents matched up to the office of Kisii Governor Simba Arati and demanded an address and assurance if Matiangi was safe.

Matiang’i presented himself to the DCI headquarters on Kiambu Road on Tuesday morning for questioning over claims that police had raided his Karen home.

He spent eight hours at the DCI offices before he was released a few minutes past 3 pm.

The former CS is now facing charges of conspiracy to commit a felony and publication of false information.

Also read,

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