June 29, 2024

LSK and James Orengo defend Ahmednasir over the Supreme Court decision

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LSK and James Orengo defend Ahmednasir over the Supreme Court decision

LSK and James Orengo terms Supreme Court decision to ban Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi unconstitutional

LSK and James Orengo terms Supreme Court decision to ban Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi unconstitutional.

In a statement after the decision, the Law Society of Kenya President, Erick Theuri termed the Supreme Court’s move unconstitutional. 

Theuri argued that the Supreme Court’s move would infringe on the rights of Ahmednasir’s clients. 

According to Theuri, Ahmednasir’s clients had a right to representation by a lawyer or law firm they preferred. 

Senior councel James Orengo also said the decision by the Supreme Court was arbitrary and unacceptable. 

The governor and renowned lawyer behind the nullification of a presidential election’s result in 2017 insinuated that the move by the Apex Court was curtailing Ahmednasir’s freedom of speech. 

This is despite Orengo and Ahmednasir having yet to find themselves on the same side on legal and political issues. 

Orengo recounted how a contracted judge during former president Daniel Moi’s era, Norbury Dugdale, who was at loggerheads with most LSK members back in the 90s, ordered his arrest when he argued that he be recused from a case. 

The judge was accused of always making judgments in favour of the government of the day. 

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“Dugdale ordered my arrest while making arguments for his recusal. I was on solid ground in my submissions. The ban on Ahmednassir SC by the Supreme Court is arbitrary,” said Orengo. 

This comes after the Supreme Court of Kenya banned Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi from appearing before it over perceived arrogance and defamation. 

In a strongly worded letter by Letizia Wachira, the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Kenya, communicating a unanimous decision by the court’s seven judges, indicated that Ahmednasir would not have an audience in the court. 

The judges argued that Ahmednasir, who has over the years disparaged the court, calling its judges corrupt and incompetent, to file cases to be presided over by the same judges he deemed unfit to sit in that court.

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