July 4, 2024

Mudavadi heckled for defending Ruto in Siaya

2 min read
Mudavadi heckled for defending Ruto in Siaya

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi heckled during his speech in Bondo, Siaya County at a Church function

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi heckled during his speech in Bondo, Siaya County at a Church function.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has urged Kenyans to have faith in the leadership of President William Ruto.

Speaking in Bondo during a prayer service for thanksgiving conducted at the grounds of the New Saint Michael and All Angels Cathedral, Mudavadi urged patience, reiterating that the government is committed to looking into ways to support the recovery of the economy.

He gave Kenyans hope and promised that they would soon wake up to good news.

However, Mudavadi faced it rough as a section of crowd heckled him after he called on residents to have faith in Ruto administration.

“Soon we shall be surprising you with good news and pleasantries. I want Kenyans to have faith in this administration and have faith in President Ruto’s leadership,” Mudavadi said on Sunday.

“We are all alive to what is happening and the challenges we are facing as a country. We are going to work through the difficult situation and soon Kenyans will see the difference.” 

Mudavadi reiterated the need for Kenyans to embrace peace as part of key aspects that will help Kenya achieve its economic transformation agenda.

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The Prime Cabinet Secretary absorded Ruto of the blame noting that the world was witnessing unrest in many regions, and this is posing a threat to the economic stability of various nations.

He, however, stated that the government is exploring various strategies on trade and investment frontiers that will help unlock the potential of the Kenyan market to the outside world.

“Paramount to all, we need peace at all times, not only here in Kenya but also across the globe. In war, there are no winners, and in peace, there are no losers.”

Mudavadi assured Siaya residents that President Ruto is aware of the challenges the region is facing and will soon tour the region to ensure its development agenda is realised.

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