July 2, 2024

Museveni confidant condemns CS Murkomen attacks on Rwanda

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Museveni confidant condems CS Murkomen attacks on Rwanda

Museveni confidant and NRM Vice Chairman, Mike Mukula calls out CS Murkomen for critisizing President Kagame of Rwanda

Museveni confidant and NRM Vice Chairman, Mike Mukula calls out CS Murkomen for critisizing President Kagame of Rwanda.

Captain Mike Mukula, the vice chairperson of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), asked President William Ruto to apologize or take strict measures against Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen for his divisive comments that touched on Rwandan government. 

Mukula, a prominent official in the party led by President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, expressed his disappointment and claimed that Murkomen’s comments characterizing Rwanda’s leadership as authoritarian was both unnecessary and undiplomatic.

“The media attack not only risks straining the relationship between our nations but also undermines the trust built over years of collaboration.” 

“It is crucial to address this matter promptly to prevent any further damage to the bilateral relations between Kenya and Rwanda,” Mukula stated, warning that the remarks may not sit well with Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. 

He further emphasised the need to maintain good diplomatic relations between Kenya and Rwanda, adding that open communication was essential to maintain harmony in East Africa.

“It is disheartening to witness such actions that undermine the principles we hold dear,” he added.

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This comes after CS Murkomen while speaking on Monday, December 18 on a live on Citizen TV interview dismissed the comparison of Kenya and Rwanda arguing that the latter is an autocracy.

In his comparison, Murkoken explained that Kenya cannot compare to Rwanda in terms of development, noting that the country is an autocracy where “whatever the President says is the law.”

“Rwanda is not like Kenya. Like the president said yesterday we must live with certain expectations that come with democracy. Rwanda is an autocracy and there whatever the President says is the law,” he said.

Murkomen further dismissed Kenya’s comparison to Rwanda indicating that the East African nation has a small geographical size thus making it easy to implement development agenda.

“And the size of Rwanda is almost the size of Kajiado County which is bigger. You cannot compare the political situation in Rwanda and the size of the country with our country and our democracy. That is why we have to employ technology to deal with corruption and cartels,” said Murkomen.

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