July 2, 2024

Mystery over a car wash man who’d delivered carpet to 4 Nigerians falls to death from 5th Floor of Apartment

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Mystery over a car wash man who'd delivered carpet to 4 Nigerians falls to death from 5th Floor of Apartment

Four Nigerians arrested after a budding rapper who also works at a car wash falls to his death from the 5th-floor Nairobi apartment

Four Nigerians arrested after a budding rapper who also works at a car wash falls to his death from the 5th-floor Nairobi apartment.

Police on Monday, January 29, 2024, detained four Nigerians in connection to the death of a 25-year-old man in the Riruta area, Nairobi after he allegedly fell from the fifth floor of their balcony.

The victim, identified as Charles Waga Otieno, a budding rapper, who worked at a nearby car wash, is said to have been delivering a carpet to the individuals when the incident happened at Corner Heights Apartments, Naivasha Road. 

“A car wash guy has jumped from the 5th floor, but he had come to deliver a carpet to some Nigerians on the 7th floor, room 56,” a neighbour said.

However, according to the Nigerians, Otieno was reportedly paid Sh400 for the task. 

Later, they said that the victim was heard screaming, undressing, and ultimately leaping from the fifth floor to the ground floor, sustaining severe head injuries.

Law enforcement officers responding to the scene found his mobile phone, earring, and cap on the trail from house 56, where he delivered the carpet to the Nigerians.

Officers at the scene were left wondering why the victim did not have his trousers on when he apparently fell.

“The victim was only found with his t-shirt on and did not have his pants,” an officer at the scene said.

Another neighbour said that the Nigerians were unbothered about the incident.

Police said a tour of the apartments’ balcony reveals that the railings are too high for some to just jump the way the suspects were describing how the incident happened.

Emergency services rushed him to Coptic Hospital, where he was declared dead upon arrival.

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The four Nigerians are being held at Satellite Police Station pending ongoing investigations by the police, who are treating the case as a murder.

The police said the motive behind the victim’s decision to jump to his death while naked remains unclear. 

The body has been transferred to the mortuary, awaiting an autopsy.

Recently, Nigeria’s High Commission in Nairobi came out to shield its nationals against claims that they perpetrate murders in Kenya. 

Seeking to disprove the assertion linking the visitors to the murders, their High Commission suggested it was all in bad taste. 

What did Nigeria’s High Commission say? According to the diplomatic mission in the Kenyan capital, such killings were being claimed on the Nigerians even without evidence. “Following the unfortunate murders of two young ladies in the past couple of weeks which have rightly elicited public condemnation, the High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Nairobi is concerned by the preponderance of online blogs, doctored videos, and social media posts, maliciously entrenching a spurious speculation that ‘Nigerians’ have perpetrated these heinous crimes,” the consulate said. 

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