July 6, 2024

NCIC calls on Raila Odinga to call off rallies

2 min read
NCIC calls on Raila Odinga to call off rallies

NCIC calls on Azimio leader Raila Odinga to call off rallies saying the demos are only serving to disrupt peace in the country

NCIC calls on Azimio leader Raila Odinga to call off rallies saying the demos are only serving to disrupt peace in the country.

The Azimio One Kenya Coalition leader Raila Odinga has been urged by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to halt the ongoing political rallies as they are encouraging hate speech and keeping the nation tense.

As the cost of living is soaring, Commission Chairperson Samuel Kobia warned that any disruption to the stability of the country will have an impact on livelihoods while pointing out that the Azimio demonstrations are returning Kenyans to election mode.

“Hate speech and ethnic contempt is as a result of the recent political rallies. In this respect, we call on the former Prime Minister to cease holding these political rallies because he is really the critical leader when it comes to now taking the country back to election mode. We cannot afford that as a country,” said Kobia.

The NCIC Chairperson further warned leaders especially politicians that they will be held personally accountable for their words and actions regardless of their political affiliations.

“Leaders who speak at these political rallies must be aware that they will be held personally responsible for their utterances while at political rallies. This is the stance that the commission has taken and will execute without fear or favour,” Kobia said.

“We are calling upon all leaders to stop utterances that can lead to ethnic animosity.”

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His remarks come days after the commission issued an earlier warning that the country may descend into disorder if recent political developments were not properly managed and if leaders failed to act responsibly, particularly with issues of ethnicity.

The Azimio Coalition, led by its leader Raila Odinga, started protests against the Kenya Kwanza Government, alleging that the 2022 elections were rigged in their favor.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has been calling for the resignation of President William Ruto.

Raila since the beginning of the year has been aggressive on political activities insisting he won the August election.

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