January 21, 2025

NYS Recruitment 2022 Countrywide– Dates, Centres, and Requirements

NYS Recruitment 2022 Countrywide Schedule– Dates, Centres, and Requirements

The Kenya National Youth Service wishes to announce to the general public that there will be a recruitment exercise of NYS Volunteers (male and female) throughout the Republic from Monday, 10th to Friday, 14th January 2022 as per the below requirements and dates schedule.

All prospective candidates wishing to be enlisted must meet the following conditions:

  1. Be a Kenyan citizen and a resident of the respective Sub County of recruitment
  2. The recruitment age is from 18 to 24 years
  3. Have a mean grade of D plain and above in KCSE
  4. Produce Original National Identity Card, Academic Certificates (and avail one set of photocopies of the same at the recruitment center).
  5. Must have a certificate of Good Conduct.
  6. Must be ready to undergo medical check-up during and after the recruitment
  7. Be prepared to undergo rigorous physical training
  8. Be prepared to give voluntary service to the Nation in any part of the Republic of Kenya
  9. Successful candidates will report for the NYS paramilitary training Course at NYS College, Gilgil, and NYSTTI Naivasha on dates and times specified in the respective calling letters.


  • Orphans who meet the qualification requirements as stated above will be given special preference subject to the production of sufficient documentary proof such as parents’ death Certificates or burial permits
  • Persons living with disability are also encouraged to avail themselves for the recruitment exercise in their respective sub-counties and centers provided they are able to withstand the rigorous physical training

NYS does not condone corruption in any form. Canvassing and giving monetary or other consideration for the purpose of admission is an offense that can lead to disqualification and/or prosecution.

Instances of this nature should be reported promptly to the Director-General on telephone number 020-2400129

NYS Recruitment 2022 Schedule: 

Monday Day One 10/01/2022

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Mombasa 1 10/01/22 Nyali Mkomani Show Ground

8.00am Kwale 2 10/01/22 Kinango Kinango Sec. School

8.00am Lamu 3 10/01/22 Lamu East Lamu East (Faza Primary School)

8.00am Kilifi 4 10/01/22 Kilifi South Kikambala D.O’s Office

8.00am Tana River 5 10/01/22 Tana North Bura District Hqs

8.00am Kilifi 6 10/01/22 Rabai Rabai (Lungwe Primary School)

8.00am Wajir 7 10/01/22 Wajir North Bute Stadium

8.00am Wajir 8 10/01/22 Wajir West Griftu D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Mandera 9 10/01/22 Mandera East Mandera Youth Hall Centre

8.00am Mandera 10 10/01/22 Mandera North Rhamu (D.C.C’ S Office)

8.00am Marsabit 11 10/01/22 Moyale D.C.C’s Office Ground

8.00am Marsabit 12 10/01/22 Loyangalani D.C.C’s Office Loyangalani

8.00am Isiolo 13 10/01/22 Merti D.C.C’s Office,Merti

8.00am Meru 14 10/01/22 Igembe North Muringine Primaryschool.

8.00am Meru 15 10/01/22 Igembe South Maua Stadium

8.00am Tharaka Nithi 16 10/01/22 Tharaka North Rwatha Primary School, Gatunga

8.00am Embu 17 10/01/22 Mbeere South Umau Grounds

8.00am Kitui 18 10/01/22 Ikutha Ikutha Girls’ Secondary School

8.00am Kitui 19 10/01/22 Mwingi East Muthuki Primary School

8.00am Kitui 20 10/01/22 Tseikuru Tseikuru Primary School

8.00am Kitui 21 10/01/22 Lower Yatta St. Luke Secondary School, Kyusyani

8.00am Machakos 22 10/01/22 Kangundo Kangundo Deb Pri. School

8.00am Kitui 23 10/01/22 Katulani Katulani Secondary School

8.00am Makueni 24 10/01/22 Kibwezi Kibwezi Sports Ground

8.00am Laikipia 25 10/01/22 Nyahururu Nyahururu Municipal Stadium

8.00am Nyandarua 26 10/01/22 Mirangini Nyakiambi Girl’s Sports Ground

Day /Date

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Nyeri 27 10/01/22 Kieni West Mweiga Stadium

8.00am Nyeri 28 10/01/22 Kieni East Chaka Playground

8.00am Kirinyaga 29 10/01/22 Mwea(Mwea East) Wanguru Stadium

8.00am Muranga 30 10/01/22 Muranga South Muranga Teachers College

8.00am Muranga 31 10/01/22 Mathioya Rurie Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 32 10/01/22 Gatundu North Kamwangi D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Kiambu 33 10/01/22 Lari Kimende High School

8.00am Turkana 34 10/01/22 Kibish Kibish

8.00am West Pokot 35 10/01/22 North Pokot(Alale) D.C.C’s Office Alale

8.00am Baringo 36 10/01/22 Tiaty East D.C.C’s Office, Tangulbei

8.00am West Pokot 37 10/01/22 South Pokot(Kibichbich) St. Kizito Primary School, Lelan

8.00am West Pokot 38 10/01/22 Pokot Central Sigor Mixed Boarding Primary School

8.00am Nandi 39 10/01/22 Nandi South Ressio Primary School,Kobujoi

8.00am Baringo 40 10/01/22 Baringo North Kabartonjo Sportsground

8.00am Baringo 41 10/01/22 Marigat Marigat Sports Ground

8.00am Baringo 42 10/01/22 Koibatek Eldama Ravine Playground

8.00am Laikipia 43 10/01/22 Laikipia West Rumuruti Sports Ground

8.00am Nakuru 44 10/01/22 Kuresoi North Sirikwa Pri. School

8.00am Nakuru 45 10/01/22 Subukia D.C.C’s Office, Subukia

8.00am Narok 46 10/01/22 Narok West Lemek

8.00am Narok 47 10/01/22 Transmara East (Dikirr) D.C.C’s Office, Emurua

8.00am Kajiado 48 10/01/22 Kajiado – Mashuru D.C.C’s Office, Mashuru

8.00am Kericho 49 10/01/22 Sigowet/Soin Chepkemel D.C.C’s Offfice

8.00am Kericho 50 10/01/22 Bureti Litein Boys High School

8.00am Bungoma 51 10/01/22 Bungoma South Kanduyi Stadium

8.00am Kakamega 52 10/01/22 Likuyani Kongoni Primary School

8.00am Kakamega 53 10/01/22 Lurambi(Kakamenga Central) Bukhungu Stadium

Day /Date Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Vihiga 54 10/01/22 Luanda D.C.C’s Office Luanda

8.00am Bungoma 55 10/01/22 Mt. Elgon D.C.C’s Office, Kapsokwony

8.00am Bungoma 56 10/01/22 Bungoma North D.C.C’s Offices, Mukuyuni

8.00am Busia 57 10/01/22 Teso North Amagoro Primary School

8.00am Busia 58 10/01/22 Budalangi(Bunyala) Budalangi Primary School

8.00am Busia 59 10/01/22 Funyula(Samia) Funyula Stadium

8.00am Kisumu 60 10/01/22 Seme Kit Mikayi

8.00am Homabay 61 10/01/22 Mbita Onunga Stadium

8.00am Migori 62 10/01/22 Kuria East D.C.C’s Office Kegonga

8.00am Homabay 63 10/01/22 Ndhiwa Ndhiwa D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Kisii 64 10/01/22 Etago D.C.C’s Office Etago

8.00am Kisii 65 10/01/22 South Mugirango( Gucha South) Nyamarambe Stadium

8.00am Kisii 66 10/01/22 Nyaribari Chache(Kisii Central) D.C.C’s Office, Kisii

Tuesday Day Two 11/01/2022

8.00am Mombasa 67 11/01/22 Mombasa Mvita Sports Grounds

8.00am Kwale 68 11/01/22 Lungalunga Lungalunga Sec. School

8.00am Lamu 69 11/01/22 Lamu West Kibaki Grounds –Lamu Island

8.00am Kilifi 70 11/01/22 Kilifi( Kilifi North) Kilifi Stadium

8.00am Tana River 71 11/01/22 Tana River D.C.C’s Office,Hola

8.00am Taita Taveta 72 11/01/22 Voi Voi Stadium

8.00am Garissa 73 11/01/22 Dadaab Dadaab Airstrip

8.00am Garissa 74 11/01/22 Ijara D.C.C’s Office, Ijara

8.00am Wajir 75 11/01/22 Tarbaj Tarbaj Primary School

8.00am Mandera 76 11/01/22 Arabia D.C.C’s Office Arabia

8.00am Mandera 77 11/01/22 Banisa Banisa Primary School

8.00am Marsabit 78 11/01/22 Sololo Sololo Primary School

8.00am Marsabit 79 11/01/22 North Horr North Horr D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Isiolo 80 11/01/22 Garbatula Garbatula D.C.C’s Office

Tuesday Day Two 11/01/2022

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Meru 81 11/01/22 Igembe Central Dcc’s Office Kangeta

8.00am Meru 82 11/01/22 Tigania East Nguthiru D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Tharaka Nithi 83 11/01/22 Tharaka South Marimanti Play Ground

8.00am Embu 84 11/01/22 Mbeere North Mbeere North Sports Ground

8.00am Kitui 85 11/01/22 Mutomo Mutomo Mixed Secondary School

8.00am Kitui 86 11/01/22 Migwani (Mwingi West) Migwani Stadium

8.00am Kitui 87 11/01/22 Kyuso Kyuso Stadium

8.00am Machakos 88 11/01/22 Mwala Makutano D.E.B Primary School

8.00am Machakos 89 11/01/22 Kathiani Kathiani Dc.C’s Office

8.00am Makueni 90 11/01/22 Mbooni East Kisau High School

8.00am Makueni 91 11/01/22 Kibwezi West(Makindu) Salama Mosque Playground

8.00am Nyandarua 92 11/01/22 Nyandarua North Ndaragwa Sports Ground

8.00am Nyandarua 93 11/01/22 Nyandarua Central Ol-Kalou Sports Ground

8.00am Nyeri 94 11/01/22 Nyeri Town(Nyeri Central) Ruringu Stadium

8.00am Nyeri 95 11/01/22 Mathira West Kaiyaba Chief’s Camp

8.00am Kirinyaga 96 11/01/22 Gichugu(Kirinyaga East) Kianyaga Stadium

8.00am Muranga 97 11/01/22 Kandara Kandara Stadium

8.00am Muranga 98 11/01/22 Kangema Kangema General Kago Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 99 11/01/22 Gatundu South Gatundu Town Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 100 11/01/22 Limuru Kwambira Stadium

8.00am Turkana 101 11/01/22 Turkana East Lokori Play Ground

8.00am West Pokot 102 11/01/22 Kacheliba Kacheliba Primary School

8.00am Samburu 103 11/01/22 Samburu Central D.C.C’s Office, Maralal

8.00am Transnzioa 104 11/01/22 Cherangany(Transnzoia East) Kachibora D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Elgeyo Marakwet 105 11/01/22 Marakwet East Chesoi Primary School

8.00am Nandi 106 11/01/22 Nandi North Kabiyet High School

8.00am Baringo 107 11/01/22 Baringo Central Kabarnet Town Stadium

Wednesday Day Three 12/01/2022

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Uasin Gishu 108 11/01/22 Moiben D.C.C’s Office Moiben

8.00am Laikipia 109 11/01/22 Laikipia Central Sirima Stadium

8.00am Nakuru 110 11/01/22 Kuresoi South Keringet Estate Primary School

8.00am Nakuru 111 11/01/22 Nakuru North D.C.C’s Office Bahati

8.00am Narok 112 11/01/22 Narok South Ololulunga Baraza Park

8.00am Narok 113 11/01/22 Transmara West D.C.C’s Office, Kilgoris

8.00am Kajiado 114 11/01/22 Kajiado South (Loitoktok) Loitoktok Stadium

8.00am Kericho 115 11/01/22 Belgut Sosiot Play Ground

8.00am Bomet 116 11/01/22 Sotik D.C.C’s Office, Sotik

8.00am Kakamega 117 11/01/22 Matungu D.C.C’s Office Matungu

8.00am Kakamega 118 11/01/22 Lugari Lumakanda Township Grounds

8.00am Kakamega 119 11/01/22 Shinyalu(Kakamega East) Soiyo Primary School

8.00am Vihiga 120 11/01/22 Emuhaya Emuhaya Sports Centre

8.00am Bungoma 121 11/01/22 Kimilili Kimilili – Amtala Sports Centre

8.00am Bungoma 122 11/01/22 Bungoma Central Chwele – Busakala Primary School

8.00am Busia 123 11/01/22 Teso South Amukura Primary School

8.00am Siaya 124 11/01/22 Alego Usonga(Siaya) Siaya Stadium

8.00am Siaya 125 11/01/22 Ukwala(Ugenya) Sega Youth Polytechnic

8.00am Kisumu 126 11/01/22 Nyando Awasi Primary School

8.00am Homabay 127 11/01/22 Homabay Central Homabay Stadium

8.00am Migori 128 11/01/22 Kuria West D.C.C’s Office Kehancha

8.00am Homabay 129 11/01/22 Suba Magunga Primary School

8.00am Kisii 130 11/01/22 Bomachoge/Borabu(Kenyen ya) Kenyenya D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Migori 131 11/01/22 Rongo Rongo District Hqs

8.00am Nyamira 132 11/01/22 Masaba North Amabuko Sec.School

8.00am Mombasa 133 12/01/22 Kisauni Khadija Primary School

8.00am Kwale 134 12/01/22 Msambweni Kenyatta Primary School

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Lamu 135 12/01/22 Mpeketoni Mpeketoni Primary School

8.00am Kilifi 136 12/01/22 Ganze Ganze Sec. School

8.00am Taita Taveta 137 12/01/22 Mwatate Kenyatta High School

8.00am Garissa 138 12/01/22 Lagdera Modogashe Primary School

8.00am Garissa 139 12/01/22 Fafi D.C.C’s Bura East

8.00am Wajir 140 12/01/22 Buna Buna D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Wajir 141 12/01/22 Wajir East Wajir Stadium

8.00am Mandera 142 12/01/22 Lafey Lafey D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Mandera 143 12/01/22 Mandera West Takaba Primary School

8.00am Marsabit 144 12/01/22 Turbi D.C.C’s Office Turbi

8.00am Marsabit 145 12/01/22 Dukana D.C.C’s Office Dukana

8.00am Meru 146 12/01/22 Tigania West Uuru Stadium

8.00am Meru 147 12/01/22 Tigania Central Mikinduri D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Tharaka Nithi 148 12/01/22 Igambang’ombe D.C.C’s Office Igambang’ombe

8.00am Embu 149 12/01/22 Embu East Runyenjes Municipal Stadium

8.00am Kitui 150 12/01/22 Kisasi Kisasi Boys Secondary School

8.00am Kitui 151 12/01/22 Kitui West D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Kitui 152 12/01/22 Mumoni Katse Primary School

8.00am Machakos 153 12/01/22 Yatta Yatta Sec School

8.00am Machakos 154 12/01/22 Machakos Central Kenyatta Stadium

8.00am Makueni 155 12/01/22 Mbooni West Kikima D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Makueni 156 12/01/22 Nzaui Matiliku D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Nyandarua 157 12/01/22 Aberdares Shamata Stadium

8.00am Nyandarua 158 12/01/22 Kipipiri Wakiongo Sports Ground

8.00am Nyeri 159 12/01/22 Tetu Wamagana Sports Ground

8.00am Nyeri 160 12/01/22 Mukurweini Mukurweini Stadium

8.00am Kirinyaga 161 12/01/22 Kirinyaga Central Kerugoya Stadium

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Muranga 162 12/01/22 Gatanga Gatanga Primary School

8.00am Muranga 163 12/01/22 Kahuro Kahuro Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 164 12/01/22 Ruiru Ruiru Municipal Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 165 12/01/22 Kiambaa Karuri Primary School

8.00am Turkana 166 12/01/22 Turkana North Lokituang Play Ground

8.00am Turkana 167 12/01/22 Turkana South Lokichar Play Ground

8.00am West Pokot 168 12/01/22 West Pokot D.C.C’s Office, Kapenguria

8.00am Samburu 169 12/01/22 Samburu East Wamba Primary School

8.00am Transnzioa 170 12/01/22 Saboti(Transnzioa West) Kenyatta Stadium

8.00am Elgeyo Marakwet 171 12/01/22 Marakwet West Moi Girls’ Sec. School, Kapsowar

8.00am Nandi 172 12/01/22 Emgwen(Nandi Central) Kipchoge Keino Stadium

8.00am Baringo 173 12/01/22 Tiaty West (Baringo East) Chemalingot Play Ground

8.00am Uasin Gishu 174 12/01/22 Kesses D.C.C’s Office Kesses

8.00am Uasin Gishu 175 12/01/22 Soy Chepkigen Pri. School

8.00am Laikipia 176 12/01/22 Laikipia North Doldol Town Centre

8.00am Nakuru 177 12/01/22 Molo Molo Municipal Stadium

8.00am Nakuru 178 12/01/22 Nakuru Town West Nakuru West D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Narok 179 12/01/22 Narok North Masai Mara University Play Grounds.

8.00am Kisii 180 12/01/22 Bobasi(Sameta) Sameta Stadium

8.00am Kajiado 181 12/01/22 Oloililai D.C.C’s Office,Oloililai

8.00am Kericho 182 12/01/22 Kericho East(Ainamoi) Kericho Green Stadium

8.00am Bomet 183 12/01/22 Konoin Saseta Girls High Sch,Mogogosiek

8.00am Kakamega 184 12/01/22 Mumias West Nabongo Sports Ground

8.00am Kakamega 185 12/01/22 Matete Matete Play Ground

8.00am Kakamega 186 12/01/22 Ikolomani(Kakamega South) Musingu Sec. School

8.00am Vihiga 187 12/01/22 Vihiga Vihiga Boys High School

8.00am Bungoma 188 12/01/22 Webuye West Bokoli Fym Primary School

Thursday Day Four 13/01/2022

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Bungoma 189 12/01/22 Cheptais Divisional Hqs, Cheptais

8.00am Busia 190 12/01/22 Nambale Nambale Youth Polytechnic

8.00am Siaya 191 12/01/22 Gem Wagai D.C.C’s Office, Gem Wagai

8.00am Siaya 192 12/01/22 Ugunja Nyasanda Primary School

8.00am Kisumu 193 12/01/22 Muhoroni Chemelil Sports Complex

8.00am Homabay 194 12/01/22 Rachuonyo North Kendu Bay Show Ground

8.00am Migori 195 12/01/22 Suna West D.C.C’s Officee,Suna West

8.00am Migori 196 12/01/22 Nyatike Nyatike D.C.C’s Office,

8.00am Kisii 197 12/01/22 Bomachoge Chache( Gucha) Ogembo Tendere High School

8.00am Kisii 198 12/01/22 Kisii South Kerina Primary School

8.00am Nyamira 199 12/01/22 Manga Manga Sports Ground

8.00am Mombasa 200 13/01/22 Changamwe Oil Refinary Ground

8.00am Kwale 201 13/01/22 Matuga Matuga Baraza Park

8.00am Kilifi 202 13/01/22 Magarini Magarini District Hqs

8.00am Kilifi 203 13/01/22 Chonyi D.C.C’s Office Chonyi

8.00am Tana River 204 13/01/22 Tana Delta Tana Delta District Hqs- Garsen

8.00am Taita Taveta 205 13/01/22 Wundanyi(Taita) Wundanyi Stadium

8.00am Garissa 206 13/01/22 Mbalambala Mbalambala Primary School

8.00am Garissa 207 13/01/22 Hulugho Hulugho Pri Sch

8.00am Wajir 208 13/01/22 Wajir South Leheley Primary School

8.00am Mandera 209 13/01/22 Kotulo D.C.C’s Office Kotulo

8.00am Mandera 210 13/01/22 Mandera Central D.C.C’s Office Elwak

8.00am Marsabit 211 13/01/22 Marsabit D.C.C’s Office Ground

8.00am Isiolo 212 13/01/22 Isiolo Isiolo Dcc’s Office

8.00am Meru 213 13/01/22 Imenti North Kinoru D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Meru 214 13/01/22 Meru Central Kariene Primary School

8.00am Tharaka Nithi 215 13/01/22 Maara Kienga-Nguru Sports Ground

8.00am Embu 216 13/01/22 Embu North Kairuri Stadium

8.00am Kitui 217 13/01/22 Nzambani Chuluni Sports Ground

8.00am Kitui 218 13/01/22 Matinyani Matinyani Public Park

8.00am Kitui 219 13/01/22 Mwingi Central Musila Gardens

8.00am Machakos 220 13/01/22 Matungulu Kisukioni Sec School

8.00am Machakos 221 13/01/22 Athi River Kmc Grounds

8.00am Makueni 222 13/01/22 Makueni D.C.C’ Office,Wote

8.00am Makueni 223 13/01/22 Kilungu Kilungu Sec. School

8.00am Nyandarua 224 13/01/22 Gathanji Ngano Center

8.00am Nyandarua 225 13/01/22 Nyandarua South Engineer Sports Centre

8.00am Nyeri 226 13/01/22 Othaya (Nyeri South) Othaya Stadium

8.00am Nyeri 227 13/01/22 Mathira East Karatina Stadium

8.00am Kirinyaga 228 13/01/22 Ndia(Kirinyaga West) Baricho Primary School

8.00am Kiambu 229 13/01/22 Thika West Thika Municipal Stadium

8.00am Muranga 230 13/01/22 Muranga East Ihura Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 231 13/01/22 Kiambu(East) Kirigiti Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 232 13/01/22 Kabete Ndurarua Primary School

8.00am Turkana 233 13/01/22 Turkana Central Lodwar Stadium

8.00am West Pokot 234 13/01/22 Kipkomo Chepareria

8.00am Samburu 235 13/01/22 Samburu North D.C.C’s Office, Baragoi

8.00am Transnzioa 236 13/01/22 Endebes D.C.C’s Office, Endebes

8.00am Elgeyo Marakwet 237 13/01/22 Keiyo North D.C.C’s Office, Iten

8.00am Nandi 238 13/01/22 Nandi East Samoei High School

8.00am Baringo 239 13/01/22 Mogotio Mogotio Youth Polytechnic Play Grounds.

8.00am Uasin Gishu 240 13/01/22 Eldoret East(Ainabkoi) D.C.C’ Office Kapsoya

8.00am Uasin Gishu 241 13/01/22 Turbo(Eldoret West) Paul Boit Boys’ High School

8.00am Laikipia 242 13/01/22 Laikipia East Nanyuki Sports Ground

8.00am Nakuru 243 13/01/22 Njoro Njoro D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Nakuru 244 13/01/22 Gilgil Gilgil Stadium

8.00am Narok 245 13/01/22 Narok East Nairagie Ngare

8.00am Nyamira 246 13/01/22 Borabu Kijauri Public Works Ground.

8.00am Kajiado 247 13/01/22 Kajiado West D.C.C’s Office, Olepolos

8.00am Kericho 248 13/01/22 Kipkelion Kipkelion Playgrounds

8.00am Bomet 249 13/01/22 Bomet Central Bomet Town Stadium

8.00am Kakamega 250 13/01/22 Butere Butere Girls High School

8.00am Kakamega 251 13/01/22 Navakholo Navakholo Play Grounds

8.00am Kakamega 252 13/01/22 Khwisero Khwisero Sports Ground

8.00am Vihiga 253 13/01/22 Hamisi Hamisi Sports Ground

8.00am Bungoma 254 13/01/22 Bungoma East Pan Paper Grounds

8.00am Bungoma 255 13/01/22 Bungoma West(Sirisia) Sirisia Sports Ground

8.00am Busia 256 13/01/22 Butula Butula Youth Polytechnic

8.00am Siaya 257 13/01/22 Rarieda Nyilima Play Ground

8.00am Kisumu 258 13/01/22 Kisumu West D.C.C’s Office Ojola

8.00am Kisumu 259 13/01/22 Nyakach Kogolla Primary School

8.00am Homabay 260 13/01/22 Rachuonyo South Kosele Stadium

8.00am Migori 261 13/01/22 Suna East(Migori) Migori D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Migori 262 13/01/22 Awendo A.C.C’s Office,Awendo

8.00am Kisii 263 13/01/22 Bobasi(Nyamache) Nyamache Play Ground

8.00am Kisii 264 13/01/22 Kitutu Central Nyanchwa

8.00am Nyamira 265 13/01/22 Nyamira Central Nyamira Deb Primary School

Friday Day Five 14/01/2022

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Mombasa 266 14/01/22 Jomvu Mwalaji Primary School

8.00am Mombasa 267 14/01/22 Likoni Dongo Kundu

8.00am Kilifi 268 14/01/22 Malindi Ask Ground

8.00am Kilifi 269 14/01/22 Kaloleni Council Ground Kaloleni

8.00am Taita Taveta 270 14/01/22 Taveta Taveta Airstrip

8.00am Garissa 271 14/01/22 Garissa Township Garissa Show Ground

8.00am Wajir 272 14/01/22 Eldas D.C.C’s Office Eldas

8.00am Wajir 273 14/01/22 Habaswein Baraza Park

8.00am Wajir 274 14/01/22 Khorof Harar D.C.C’s Office Khorof Harar

8.00am Marsabit 275 14/01/22 Laisamis(Marsabit South) Laisamis D.C.C’s Hqs

8.00am Marsabit 276 14/01/22 Chalbi Maikona D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Meru 277 14/01/22 Buuri East Dcc’s Offfice Buuri East

8.00am Meru 278 14/01/22 Buuri West Timau Stadium

8.00am Meru 279 14/01/22 Imenti South Nkubu Stadium

8.00am Tharaka Nithi 280 14/01/22 Meru South D.C.C’s Office Meru South

8.00am Embu 281 14/01/22 Embu West Moi Municipal Stadium

8.00am Kitui 282 14/01/22 Mutitu Nzombe Playground

8.00am Kitui 283 14/01/22 Kitui Central Kitui Show Ground

8.00am Machakos 284 14/01/22 Masinga Masinga Boys’ Secondary School

8.00am Kiambu 285 14/01/22 Thika East Gatuanyaga Primary School

8.00am Kajiado 286 14/01/22 Kajiado East (Isinya) D.C.C’s Office Isinya

8.00am Makueni 287 14/01/22 Kathonzweni Kathonzweni Public Grounds

8.00am Makueni 288 14/01/22 Mukaa Mukaa D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Nyandarua 289 14/01/22 Nyandarua West Ol-Joro-Orok Playground

8.00am Nyandarua 290 14/01/22 Kinangop Njambini Sports Center

8.00am Kirinyaga 291 14/01/22 Mwea West Kandogu Hospital Grounds

8.00am Kiambu 292 14/01/22 Juja Premier Bag Ground

8.00am Muranga 293 14/01/22 Kigumo Kigumo Bendera Sec. School

8.00am Kiambu 294 14/01/22 Githunguri Githunguri Stadium

8.00am Kiambu 295 14/01/22 Kikuyu D.C.C’s Office

8.00am Turkana 296 14/01/22 Turkana West Kakuma Play Ground

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Turkana 297 14/01/22 Loima Lorugum Pri. School

8.00am Transnzioa 298 14/01/22 Kwanza D.C.C’s Office Kwanza

8.00am Transnzioa 299 14/01/22 Kiminini D.C.C’s Office Kiminini

8.00am Elgeyo Marakwet 300 14/01/22 Keiyo South D.C.C’ Office, Chepkorio

8.00am Nandi 301 14/01/22 Tinderet Maraba Centre

8.00am Nakuru 302 14/01/22 Rongai D.C.C’ Officee Kambi Ya Moto

8.00am Nandi 303 14/01/22 Chesumei Chemundu

8.00am Uasin Gishu 304 14/01/22 Eldoret South (Kapseret) Eldoret Show Ground

8.00am Nakuru 305 14/01/22 Nakuru East Afraha Stadium

8.00am Nakuru 306 14/01/22 Naivasha D.C.C’s Officee,Kihoto

8.00am Kajiado 307 14/01/22 Kajiado North Ngong Stadium

8.00am Bomet 308 14/01/22 Bomet East D.C.C’s Office, Longisa

8.00am Kajiado 309 14/01/22 Kajiado Central Masai Tech. School

8.00am Kericho 310 14/01/22 Londiani Londiani Council Stadium

8.00am Bomet 311 14/01/22 Chepalungu D.C.C’s Office, Sigor

8.00am Kisumu 312 14/01/22 Kisumu East Kibos Primary School

8.00am Kakamega 313 14/01/22 Mumias East Bumini Primary School

8.00am Siaya 314 14/01/22 Gem Yala Sawagongo Secondary School

8.00am Vihiga 315 14/01/22 Sabatia Vokoli Girls High School

8.00am Kakamega 316 14/01/22 Malava(Kakamega North) Isanjiro Primary School

8.00am Bungoma 317 14/01/22 Bumula D.C.C’s Office, Bumula Centre

8.00am Busia 318 14/01/22 Mathayos (Busia) Busia Municipal Stadium

8.00am Siaya 319 14/01/22 Bondo Bar Kowino Youth Empowerment Centre

8.00am Kisumu 320 14/01/22 Kisumu Central Moi Stadium, Kisumu

8.00am Kisii 321 14/01/22 Kitutu Chache North(Marani) Marani Primary School

8.00am Homabay 322 14/01/22 Rachuonyo East(Kabondo Kasipul) Orera Primary School

8.00am Migori 323 14/01/22 Uriri Dcc’s Office, Uriri

Time County S/No. Date Sub County Centre

8.00am Homabay 324 14/01/22 Rangwe Pap Kalango Grounds

8.00am Kisii 325 14/01/22 Nyaribari Masaba (Masaba South) Masimba Primary School

8.00am Kisii 326 14/01/22 Kitutu Chache South(Kisii Central) Mosocho Health Centre

8.00am Nyamira 327 14/01/22 Nyamira North Ekerenyo Sports Ground

8.00am Nairobi 328 14/01/22 Westlands Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 329 14/01/22 Langata Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 330 14/01/22 Dagoretti South Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 331 14/01/22 Dagoretti North Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 332 14/01/22 Kamukunji Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 333 14/01/22 Kasarani Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 334 14/01/22 Starehe Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 335 14/01/22 Njiru Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 336 14/01/22 Kibra Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 337 14/01/22 Roysambu Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 338 14/01/22 Ruaraka Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 339 14/01/22 Mathare Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 340 14/01/22 Makadara Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 341 14/01/22 Embakasi South Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 342 14/01/22 Embakasi North Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 343 14/01/22 Embakasi Central Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 344 14/01/22 Embakasi East Nyayo Stadium

8.00am Nairobi 345 14/01/22 Embakasi West Nyayo Stadium

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