June 26, 2024

Police declare Azimio protests “a threat to national security”

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Police declare Azimio protests "a threat to national security"

Police IG Koome declares Azimio protests a threat to national security terming them illegal and won't be allowed

Police IG Koome declares Azimio protests a threat to national security terming them illegal and won’t be allowed.

A new altercation between the police and protesters is expected on Wednesday as a result of the government’s declaration that the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Opposition Coalition’s scheduled demonstrations are illegal.

In a statement on Tuesday, Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome claimed that since the Raila Odinga-led faction had not formally notified the police of the planned rallies, the protests were unlawful.

Police issued a warning to Kenyans not to participate in the demonstrations, stating that they will deal with protesters accordingly.

“In line with NPS mandate to maintain law and order; protect life and property; and preserve peace, we wish to inform the public that any demonstrations that will be held in any part of Kenya on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, will be dealt with promptly in accordance with the law,” IG Koome stated.

“Contrary to the legal requirements, no organizers/planners of the purported demonstrations have notified the Police of such gatherings.”

The IG cited the past demonstrations as witnessed in some parts of the country last week saying they had led to deaths and destruction of property and hence pose a threat to national security and would not be allowed.

He, therefore, urged the public to attend to their day-to-day duties.

“While Article 37 of the Constitution gives the right to assemble, demonstrate and picket, lessons from recent similar demonstrations that left trails of destruction of property, injuries and loss of lives, clearly indicate that such demonstrations are nothing but a threat to national security,” he noted.

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Koome added: “We, therefore, urge all law-abiding members of the public to carry on with their daily activities, and commend all NPS Officers for their continued patriotism, selfless and dedicated service to our Country.”

In addition, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki warned Azimio protesters that they will face the law in the event they make good their threats to engage in violent demonstrations on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

In a statement on Tuesday, Kindiki said that security agencies have been deployed to avert violent protests.

“National security agencies have deployed all the available resources to ensure that the scenes witnessed on Wednesday do not happen again. Anyone planning to unleash violence on Kenyans is hereby warned to cease and desist,” he said.

The announcement comes after Azimio said they would not relent but would demonstrate from Wednesday through to Friday.

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