July 3, 2024

Politicians organizing heckling at President Ruto events to be summoned

3 min read
Politicians organizing heckling at President Ruto events to be summoned

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to summon all politians organizing heckling at President Ruto events in Rift Valley

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to summon all politicians organizing heckling at President Ruto events in Rift Valley.

Speaking during a church service in Nandi County on Sunday, March 17, Gachagua revealed that he would summon all politicians involved to discuss a way forward to prevent such chaos, which he stated was ’embarrassing the President’ from occurring again in the future.

“I was so embarrassed while in Bomet, the President took about 30 minutes to to quell the chaos instead of conveying his message. Stop taking the presidency for granted.”

“I will call these leaders to discuss this issue and if they do not listen to me I report them to you. They will explain to me what is the problem,” the Deputy President stated.

DP Gachagua further condemned those disrupting President Ruto’s events across the country. He urged the leaders to work together to benefit from the new regime.

According, to Gachagua, some of the leaders were hiring goons to disrupt Ruto’s speeches or heckle other leaders in the presence of the Head of State.

“How do we expect the President to be respected by the rest of the world if we do not show him respect at home,” he stated.

Gachagua emphasised that such scenes should never be witnessed again for the 10 years Ruto will be in power adding that he would see to it that such doesn’t happen again.

He added that this does not only apply to leaders from Rift Valley but across the country especially where Ruto got more support in the elections.

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“Yesterday, the media did not even report on the good things the president did in Bomet, the chaos made the headlines and I shall not allow this to happen again,” Gachagua added.

During the incident in question, Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok was heckled by rowdy residents forcing Ruto to intervene. Ruto made attempts to calm down the residents and let the governor conclude his speech.

The President further emphasised that he does not want to witness such behaviour in his gatherings. He also asked the locals to wait for the next election to replace their leaders if unsatisfied with their performance.

This was one of the several meetings attended by the Head of State disrupted by rowdy youth. On February 15, Ruto was heckled in Kiambu leading to the DP criticising area residents.

“This is our King, the President of Kenya. He has come to bring development to our area. You are bringing shame in front of the President of the Republic of Kenya in an area where we are known to be honourable people,” Gachagua noted.

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