July 3, 2024

Priest dresses down Ruto for turning churches in political podiums

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Priest dresses down Ruto for turning churches in political podiums

All Saints Cathedral Priest slams President William Ruto and allies for turning churches in political podiums

All Saints Cathedral Priest slams President William Ruto and allies for turning churches in political podiums.

President William Ruto was criticized by Provost Canon Sammy Wainaina of All Saints’ Cathedral for failing to uphold the promises he made to Kenyans during the campaign.

Speaking to NTV on May 13, the priest emphasized that Kenyans become poorer as a result of the government taking value away from the populace.

Dr. Wainaina criticized the current administration for not making the fight against corruption a priority in order to close the loopholes that frequently cause losses to the economy in the billions of dollars.

“The current government came on the promise of making Kenyans better and richer, they were to add value, today they are taking that value from the people, and they are making Kenyans poorer. I’m so sad we have such a government,” he noted.

“What I condemned at that time is a government that is corrupt and doing nothing. Why were they elected?” he posed.

Further, he condemned a section of the clergy for being in bed with the current regime. Alluding to this, he confirmed that church services had turned to political rallies where the highest bidder took the pulpit to address his agenda to the congregants.

“Many church services on Sundays are political rallies, so politicians buy spaces. Many clergies in Kenya are compromised, so they can’t challenge a single government because they are beneficiaries of corrupt money. I stated that in 2021 and I can state the same today. Actually, it’s become worse,” he reiterated.

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He pointed out that clergymen sought to benefit in terms of profit instead of prioritising the word. He vouched for the regulation of pastors, noting that a pastor ought to live at the same level as the congregants.

“But I must state that the church has failed Kenyans. We do not want to be regulated.”

“If you look at the average lifestyle of the pastor economically, a pastor should live at the same level as the congregants. The pulpit must meet with the Pius because it’s the church that sustains the pastor. When you hear those with billions of shillings, others driving cars you cannot imagine, seriously that is something very wrong,” he added.

Rev Wainaina made headlines in 2021 for dressing down former President Uhuru Kenyatta owing to the latter’s admission that the country loses Ksh2 billion daily to graft. 

“Mr (former) President, thank you for the confession that we are all thieves minus the opportunities. Mr President, you have the EACC (Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission), DPP (Directorate of Public Prosecutions), NIS (National Intelligence Service) and every government machinery at your disposal.

“Either the government knows who steals Kenyans’ money, or the government is part of the stealing,” stated Wainaina.

“What are you telling Kenyans when you confess such, that you are defeated? Who will then save this country when the president can’t?” he questioned at the time. 

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