July 2, 2024

Raila calls out Ruto for abandoning “hustlers”

3 min read
Raila calls out Ruto for abandoning "hustlers"

Raila labels Ruto an enemy of Hustler Nation owing to the crashing taxation proposals in the 2023 finance bill

Raila labels Ruto an enemy of Hustler Nation owing to the crashing taxation proposals in the 2023 finance bill.

Due to the controversial taxation measures and what he claimed was an attempt by the Head of State to buy off opposition figures, Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio, has rejected President William Ruto’s administration and dubbed him an enemy of both the Hustler Nation and democracy.

Using a populist platform to support small companies and the average man, William Ruto, according to Mr. Odinga, has turned against the very people who elected him to the State House. 

“Ruto is not even consulting. He is coming up with taxes that are a crashing burden to the very lowly placed, on whose shoulders he campaigned,” he said in Murang’a County.

He added that President Ruto “is an enemy of democracy who is openly promoting political prostitution by buying off leaders elected on other tickets”.

Mr Odinga was attending the burial service for Ms Mary Nyambura Cyrus at Anglican Church in Gitui.

The deceased was the mother of Ms Jane Waigwe who is former Murang’a governor Mr Mwangi wa Iria’s wife.

He also said the proposed housing levy, which was to be attached to employees and their employers was thoughtless. 

“If an employee has their own home, does not need one or can afford their own arrangements to own one, why would the government force them to buy homes?” he posed.

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Raila accused the Kenya Kwanza Alliance government of coming up with the “draconian Finance Bill 2023 that even wants to make it hard to be beautiful by taxing beauty products”.

He also accused the Ruto administration of being tribal, adding that “personally I cannot promote tribalism at all costs, I believe in nationalism”.

Raila said that it was immoral for the government to impose more taxes on Kenyans “who are already overtaxed”.

“We are in very tough times because the cost of living is very high. The cost of basic commodities such as unga is unaffordable to low-income earners, yet the government is planning to impose more taxes. The proposed tax will hurt more Kenyans such as women who are the consumers of beauty products that are targeted for taxation,” he said. 

He went on: “We acknowledge that the government can only prosper through taxation. However, Kenyans are already overtaxed. Imposing more taxes will not be necessary if you can address wastage of public money. This is what we did with President Mwai Kibaki. We did not increase taxes. We sealed all avenues for theft and wastage and the economy recovered.” 

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