July 2, 2024

Raila fires warning to Joho, Oparanya over ODM succession

3 min read
Raila fires warning to Joho, Oparanya over ODM succession

Raila urges caution after Coast leaders endorsed Joho as ODM Party Leader amid a succession battle with Oparanya

Raila urges caution after Coast leaders endorsed Joho as ODM Party Leader amid a succession battle with Oparanya.

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga has broken his silence over the ongoing battle between former Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and his Kakamega Counterpart Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya over succession in the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM).

Speaking on Sunday, March 31, Raila warned the two Deputy Party leaders against dividing ODM along regional lines.

The former Prime Minister insisted that the move would disintegrate the ODM party and water down the progress and sacrifices made to make it a national outfit.

Further, he asked the leaders aspiring to succeed him as ODM party leader to go slow as he is still the party leader.

“I have only said that I have to be the African Union Commission chairperson. I have not gotten the job, I’m still here,” Raila said.

“Addis Ababa is not far from here and even if Baba is not here, we will sit down as ODM and agree on the way forward.”

He likened them to men who want to inherit a woman whose husband is still alive. Raila insisted that for the party to succeed, everyone needed to be on board.

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Raila made the remarks after Coast leaders endorsed former Mombasa governor Hassan Joho to be the next party leader. 

Both Joho and Oparanya have angled themselves to succeed Raila who has declared his bid for African Union Commission (AUC). 

Joho stated that he has been loyal to the Orange Party since it was formed and has never wavered. The former Mombasa Governor says he has sacrificed a lot due to his loyalty to the party, including risking his life for pledging loyalty.

“There are fundamental factors that we have over the period been able to learn from our party leader and our father Raila Odinga. We have already inherited courage, democracy, values of putting Kenyans first and fighting for citizens,” Joho said.

“Since I ventured into politics, I have been under one person, Raila Amollo Odinga. Since I started my politics in 2004, I’ve never left (Raila). So I know the values Raila holds. I heard someone say I came recently. I am a founder member of ODM.”

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