July 4, 2024

Raila is selfish and Uhuru careless; Sabina Chege

3 min read
Raila is selfish and Uhuru careless; Sabina Chege

Sabina Chege calls out former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga amid wrangles in the Jubilee party

Sabina Chege calls out former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga amid wrangles in the Jubilee party.

Nominated Member of Parliament Sabina Chege has given former President Uhuru Kenyatta an ultimatum to address the Jubilee party wrangles. 

In an interview with Inooro, the former Murang’a Women Rep said that the Jubilee party members have been seeking Uhuru countless times to offer them guidance, but he has remained aloof.

“As we waited for his leadership, we saw him aboard a truck in Kisumu after Prof George Magoha’s burial ceremony declaring that his party leader was ODM’s Raila Odinga,” said Chege. 

Sabina Chege wondered whether the Jubilee party had since been pawned to ODM “and when will be the official rebranding and takeover”.

She reminded Uhuru how many of his allies lost the 2022 elections for sticking with him. 

“Personally I had been approached with an offer by the Kenya Kwanza Alliance to be Nairobi gubernatorial seat running mate, but I turned it down for your sake,” she said. 

“You did nothing to build us to become accomplished leaders compared to how we are seeing other party leaders do” she added. 

Sabina said the Jubilee party is being short-changed left, right, and center in Azimio due to Uhuru’s weak leadership. 

“The biggest betrayal was prior agreement that we from the Mountain would give Nyeri politician Priscilla Nyokabi the chairmanship of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) so that she can push for one man one shilling principle of resource allocation,” she said. 

She also lamented how Azimio affiliate parties ganged up against Jubilee and handed former Wajir County woman rep Fatuma Gedi a Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) role. 

Sabina accused Raila of using people to achieve political gain and dumping them later. 

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“Odinga has a way of seeking handshakes after losing. But he uses people to achieve those handshakes but abandons them after he benefits. I have accepted we lost but I will not now go his route of using people to gain for himself alone,” she said.

Adding that,” Raila abandoned Miguna Miguna to government persecution…to a point he was hounded out of the country. After the handshake, Mr. Odinga did not care to come to Mr. Miguna’s rescue.”

On attending Azimio rallies, Ms Chege said the Jubilee Party members are yet to get orders from Mr Kenyatta to join Mr Odinga’s public rallies to dispute the August 9 General Election results.

She said that “we have only been seeing our former Secretary General Mr Jeremiah Kioni attending alone”.

She said Jubilee leaders have been interpreting Mr Kioni to be scheming to found his own political party or movement that has sufurias as the agenda “without any consultations with the party structures”.

However, she said she will not join Mr Odinga in the ongoing public rallies to discredit the government.

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