July 4, 2024

Raila launches scathing attack on Ruto over Jubilee demand on bi-partisan talks

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Raila launches scathing attack on Ruto over Jubilee demand on bi-partisan talks

Raila blames William Ruto over demands by Jubilee faction led by Kanini Kega to be included in the bipartisan talks

Raila blames William Ruto over demands by Jubilee faction led by Kanini Kega to be included in the bipartisan talks.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has hit out at the Kenya Kwanza government for crippling Jubilee Party.

Raila said the demand by a section of Jubilee members to be included in the bi-partisan talks is “state-sponsored”.

“It would have been easy for Azimio to ignore these attempts by errant Jubilee members who now pledge loyalty to UDA were it not that these actions are sponsored from the highest levels of the Kenya Kwanza regime.

“The attack on Azimio is, therefore, a State-sponsored assault on multipartysm and a continuing indication that Kenya Kwanza remains dishonest and contemptuous of the process of dialogue where respect for the autonomy of political parties is one of our agenda,” Raila said.

He added: “Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party remains very disturbed by the continuing efforts of Kenya Kwanza to cripple our member parties, especially the Jubilee Party.

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“The latest show of this contempt is the letter by UDA-backing Jubilee members demanding the inclusion of Jubilee as a party in the talks, failure to which they will seek redress in court.”

Raila further stated that the Kenya Kwanza working through its “hired backers” to scuttle the talks or cripple them through endless litigation.

“These games could prove extremely costly. Kenya Kwanza must take a final notice from us that they risk scuttling a very serious national agenda through shortsighted intransigence, dishonesty, and game of musical chairs.

“We remind Kenya Kwanza a final time that we did not agree to engage in talks because we are weak. We remain committed to the spirit of peace and stability that necessitated the talks. However, we will never negotiate out of fear,” he stated.

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