July 3, 2024

Raila maintains stances over Kamukunji rally

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Raila maintains stances over Kamukunji rally

Raila allies maintain stances over the Kamukunji rally despite fierce opposition from the government

Raila allies maintain stances over the Kamukunji rally despite fierce opposition from the government.

Parliamentarians from the Azimio la Umoja coalition have made their stance clear ahead of the Kamukunji rally scheduled for Monday, January, 23.

Speaking to the media on January 22, the parliamentarians led by Babu Owino of Embakasi East gave their supporters assurances that the event will proceed as scheduled.

They stated that they will be making their final declaration regarding the 2022 general election, revealing part of the rally’s agenda.

“We will announce the last and final 2022 election results,” Owino uttered.

Azimio principal Martha Karua had said that it was appropriate for Kenyans to know what actually transpired during the August 9, 2022, general election in a speech ahead of the Kamukunji rally.

They further requested that police officers maintain the highest level of protection, asking them not to interfere as they had no desire to create mayhem.

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“The event will be peaceful and our agenda is peaceful there will be no one to bring trouble. We are asking for police to provide maximum security from the moment Raila will land at 12 PM,” George Aladwa, MP Makadara stated.

Mathare legislator Antony Olouch called for a solution to avoid political division after every election cycle.

“Let us divide this country into pieces,” he announced.

Azimio’s remarks came after President William Ruto dismissed their planned demonstrations. 

Speaking during a church service at Kerugoya stadium, Kirinyaga County, Ruto stated that it was a ploy to serve personal interests. 

“Those who are against the peace, and unity in the nation and they want to bring us old stories. I want to promise Kenya that we will not allow the country to be a hostage to threats and blackmail from a few people who are looking for their personal interests,” he stated.

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