July 7, 2024

Raila rejects decision to include IMF, World Bank in the bipartisan talks 

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Raila rejects decision to include IMF, World Bank in the bipartisan talks

Raila through his ODM party expresses concern over World Bank and IMF expert's participation in bipartisan talks

Raila through his ODM party expresses concern over World Bank and IMF expert’s participation in bipartisan talks.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party has raised concern regarding the participation of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts in the ongoing bipartisan talks. 

In a statement on Monday, October 30, ODM said the two institutions’ previous advice contributed to Kenya’s current economic woes. 

“We cautiously welcome tomorrow’s forum convened by NADCO to deliberate the lowering of the cost of living challenges faced by Kenyans. However, we express profound concern regarding the participation of institutions such as the World Bank and IMF for expert input. Their previous advice has contributed to the problems our nation faces today,” read the statement in part.

The Raila ODM-led party urged the Azimio team to stand firm and not accept any deal that does not satisfactorily address the critical problem of the cost of living.

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“It is essential that NADCO operates under the understanding that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon. The success of these discussions must encompass the comprehensive and genuine interests of the people of Kenya,” ODM stated.

The opposition party at the same time observed that the Kenya Kwanza side is downplaying the cost of living issue in the negotiations. 

“We must emphasize that the high cost of living remains our top priority and is non-negotiable for us,” ODM added.

The party further said the government is implementing measures that exacerbate the cost of living, including fuel price hikes and the introduction of new and punitive taxes and levies. 

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