July 3, 2024

Raila, Ruto camps suspend bipartisan talks indefinitely

3 min read
Raila, Ruto camps suspend bipartisan talks indefinately

Raila, Ruto camps suspend bipartisan talks indefinately after stalemate on membership of the team

Raila, Ruto camps suspend bipartisan talks indefinately after stalemate on membership of the team.

The bipartisan team tasked with addressing issues raised by Azimio indefinitely suspended the talks on Tuesday after failing to agree on the membership of the team.

Addressing separate press conferences after deliberations that lasted over three hours, the two sides confirmed they have disagreed on whether Eldas MP Adan Keynan and Pokot South MP David Pkosing should continue sitting in the talks team.

In a statement issued by Rarieda Member of Parliament Otiende Amollo, Azimio indicated that it had failed to reach a consensus with Kenya Kwanza on removing MPs Adan Keynan (Eldas) and David Pkosing (Pokot South).

According to Rarieda Member of Parliament Otiende Amollo, who spoke at a hotel in Nairobi, the two teams had three options only, either or both Keynan (Kenya Kwanza) and Pkosing (Azimio) can choose to withdraw from the team.

The second option was for each party to withdraw their objection to Keynan and Pkosing and allow the two to continue being members of the bipartisan team.

The last option was Azimio party leader, Raila Odinga, and President William Ruto, choosing to withdraw any of the two MPs on their own accord. 

“Until then, we have hit a stalemate and chose to suspend these talks until such time as there may be consensus or position changes,” Amollo stated. 

“Adan Keynan, who defected to Kenya Kwanza, is not a Jubilee member. He is in Azimio Coalition – as a vice chair deputising Wycliffe Oparanya (former Kakamega governor). We have not had an issue of principle on Pkosing. He is a member of the Kenya Union Party (KUP), which signed a preelection agreement with Azimio,” the MP added. 

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He further argued that KUP, led by former West Pokot governor, John Krop Lanyangapuo, in April 2023, stated that it was about to make a move towards withdrawal.

“To date, no agreement to withdraw from Azimio. Pkosing is the deputy leader and has not made any indication to move. He is also the deputy treasurer in Azimio.

“This shows that the Pkosing issue was made as an afterthought to appear as if we are on the same pedestal with the grievance we raised on Keynan’s issue. It’s a basis of intention, not reality,” he added. 

Kenya Kwanza responding to Azimio, noted that they had agreed to accommodate demands made by the side, including the listing of a secretariat led by lawyer Paul Mwangi.

Further, the Kenya Kwanza side noted that they had agreed to engage their principals regarding the inclusion of Adan Keynan.

To address the standoff, Kenya Kwanza proposed a separate meeting between former President William Ruto and Raila Odinga, together with the bipartisan chairs, to iron out some of the issues raised. 

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