July 1, 2024

Raila signals return to Maandamano amid claims of sabotage in the bipartisan talks

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Raila signals return to Maandamano amid claims of sabotage in the bipartisan talks

Raila signals return to Maandamano he announces resumption of public engagement meetings

Raila signals return to Maandamano he announces resumption of public engagement meetings. 

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga has announced the resumption of public engagements within Nairobi County.

In a statement on Tuesday April 11, Raila stated that he would hold a town hall meeting on Thursday April 13 and another event on Sunday April 16 at Kamukunji grounds.

The statement, which was signed by Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Deputy Party Leader Wycliffe Oparanya, indicated that the public engagements followed the coalition’s demands to President William Ruto ahead of the bipartisan talks.

“On April 1, 2023, we called off street demonstrations against the Kenya Kwanza regime to give way for a structured dialogue on issues we feel are critical to the wellbeing of the country namely: the high cost of unga, fuel, electricity and school fees, opening and audit of the IEBC servers, protection of the letter and spirit of fidelity to multiparty democracy and adherence to the principle of inclusivity in the appointment of civil servants.

“As the negotiators take up their responsibilities, we will embark on a series of direct engagements with members of the public through town hall meetings and public Barazas,” the statement read in part.

On how the engagements will take place, Azimio stated, “We will hold the first town hall meeting in Nairobi on Thursday, 13th April 2023, to be followed by a people’s Baraza at the Kamukunji grounds on Sunday, 16th April, 2023.”

Azimio remarked that the baraza’s were to enable the party to explain to the people where they were and the upcoming course of action following the suspension of protests.

This comes after Azimio on Tuesday accused the Kenya Kwanza government of sabotage, ahead of the bipartisan talks.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi poked holes into President William Ruto’s bipartisan team of seven, arguing that the members were selected to sabotage the peace talks.

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Speaking in Parliament, Wandayi stated that the Kenya Kwanza coalition was already kicking off the bipartisan talk on a wrong footing that would eventually lead to a stalemate. 

“We are totally surprised and stunned by the fact that they have appointed Hon Adan Keynan who is a member of the Azimio la Umoja Coalition,” he said.

In addition, Narok Senator Ledama Olekina claimed that the Azimio camp would go back to the people due to lack of seriousness by the Kenya Kwanza camp.

“The lack of seriousness of the by-partisan deliberation on the KK part is the straw that broke the camel’s back! We are back to the people.” said Ledama.

Raila had canceled protests on Sunday April 2 in order to allow discussions between the government and the opposition.

He however warned the government that he would go back to holding protests should the talks fail.

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