July 4, 2024

Raila starts the process of overturning what Azimio terms Ruto punitive policies

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Raila starts the process of overturning what Azimio terms Ruto punitive policies

Raila kick-starts the process of collecting signatures to overturn Ruto administration policies such as the finance bill 2023

Raila kick-starts the process of collecting signatures to overturn Ruto administration policies such as the finance bill 2023.

As promised by its leader Raila Odinga, Azimio began the process of self-determination on Wednesday, June 28.

On Tuesday, June 27, the former prime minister and other Azimio leaders promised to gather 1 million signatures in an effort to reverse what the coalition referred to as the administration of President William Ruto’s government’s harsh policies.

In line with their warning, the alliance began gathering signatures in Nairobi’s CBD to overturn the Finance Act 2023’s increased levy.

Kenyans were seen signing a petition form at the CBD in a video endorsed by Azimio Principal Martha Karua, which was intended to protest Ruto’s policies.

“We are requesting your signatures so that we can hit 1 million so that we can fight the high cost of living,” Kenyans were told.

In particular, the signatures should help fight the rising cost of fuel, electricity, and other basic commodities according to the opposition coalition’s plan.

The signatures were being collected ahead of Friday, July 7, when Azimio is slated to start mass protests against the government for its controversial Finance Act 2023.

The aim of the signature collection seemed to slightly deviate from what Azimio Principal Eugene Wamalwa had promised on Tuesday, June 27.

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In the Kamukunji rally, Eugene was categorical that the signatures were meant to oust Ruto’s government from power.

While appending their signatures, Kenyans were, however, only promised that the signature was meant to pressure the Kenya Kwanza administration into lowering the cost of living.

“We the people of Kenya will commence a signature collection exercise which will signal our willingness to reject Ruto’s government. 

“This exercise will take many other shapes and forms until when we shall push Ruto out of power,” Wamalwa had stated at the time.

The signature collection was one of the five demands that Raila made to Ruto and his government.

Other demands included; respect for the media, defiance campaign against paying taxes, and permanent dissolution of parliamentary bipartisan talks.

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