June 29, 2024

Raila to rally his supporters to present a public petition to Ruto

3 min read
Raila to rally his supporters to present a public petition to Ruto

Raila to rally his supporters to present a public petition to President Ruto in a fresh anti-government plan

Raila to rally his supporters to present a public petition to President Ruto in a fresh anti-government plan.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga is mobilizing numerous organizations and his grassroots political wing for massive action.

This comes amid revelations of a plan to lead his supporters to the State House to present a petition on skyrocketing prices of basic commodities.

According to reports, the Azimio coalition also plans to stage demonstrations in major towns across the country.

Raila Odinga is set to make an announcement on Thursday on how the mass action would be executed should the government fail to address the coalition’s demands upon elapse of the 14-day ultimatum on Wednesday.

However, Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua dismissed the demands by Mr. Odinga, terming them unrealistic.

The Azimio leader has been meeting different interest groups drawn from political parties and religious organizations as he seeks to fire up his support base for the planned protests against “electoral fraud”.

He held a closed-door meeting with 35 Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) county chairpersons in Nairobi on Friday, 3.

The Azimio la Umoja One Kenya alliance chief told them to be prepared for the marches and mass action.

Parallel planning meetings are being held by Jubilee Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni.

Mr. Kioni expects Mt Kenya to join other regions in the demonstrations.

He has since met grassroots mobilizers from Kiambu County and Nairobi Transporters Association members.

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ODM chairman John Mbadi – who attended Mr. Odinga’s meeting yesterday said that party officials have been instructed to be ready to mobilize supporters in their areas.

“We discussed the party position on the August 9, 2022 election and our resolve to reclaim our stolen victory. They (county chairpersons) have been asked to prepare for the rallies. They have been mandated to mobilize ODM supporters in their areas to turn up for the marches,” Mr. Mbadi said.

“The party leader will communicate the mass action plan on Thursday. He will provide details on how the opposition rallies will be conducted.”

Nyando MP Jared Okello said the opposition plans to lead its supporters in presenting the petition to the President.

“We have taken the decision to petition him on the matters raised, including the high cost of living and our demand to have the IEBC servers opened. We will all be there to take the petition to State House,” Mr. Okello said.

“State House is a public office and any Kenyan has the right protected by the Constitution to present a petition to State House. We will communicate our next course of action if Ruto fails to act on our demands.”

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