July 5, 2024

Rift Valley MPs hit out at Raila for criticizing Ruto administration

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Rift Valley MPs hit out at Raila for criticizing Ruto administration

Rift Valley MPs warn Raila Odinga his attacks on the President Ruto administration will jeopardize AUC bid

Rift Valley MPs warn Raila Odinga his attacks on the President Ruto administration will jeopardize AUC bid

Speaking during the Kiptome Dairy Co-operative empowerment fundraiser at Kiptome Primary School, Belgut, on Friday, January 7, Senator Aaron Cheruiyot urged Raila to exercise restraint.

The lawmaker warned the former premier that he risked losing the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson bid if he continued being involved in local politics.

Cheruiyot urged Raila to avoid Kenyan politics at the moment, adding that it’s the gentlemanly thing to do.

“Right now, what you are seeking is the AU position. The people of Kenya do not vote for that AU position. This issue of involving yourself in small political matters like the one I saw you talking about yesterday is what will cause you to lose the AU position, just like the presidency. Be a gentleman and stay completely silent,” said Cheruiyot.

The senator’s sentiments were echoed by Kericho MP Beatrice Kemei, who stated that Raila shouldn’t talk against President William Ruto.

Belgut MP Nelson Koech reminded the ODM party leader what he’s likely to lose if he continues criticizing the Kenya Kwanza administration.

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Koech underscored that Raila’s AUC bid is championed by Ruto’s government, terming it unfair for him to work with his critics.

“Right now, as we are talking, the entire campaign machinery for you to be the AU chairman is being done, planned, and executed by the government. It is extremely unfair, unjust, and selfish for you to go further and work with some elements in government to sabotage the presidency of Ruto,” he said.

This comes after Raila welcomed the one-man-one-vote-one-shilling debate, a statement that seemed to rattle Kenya Kwanza leaders.

Raila dismissed claims that the formula was discriminative.

According to him, the formula will ensure equity in resource sharing in all 47 counties, bringing equal development to the country.

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