July 2, 2024

Ruto announces next move after court ruling against Haiti police mission

3 min read
Ruto announces next move after court ruling against Haiti police mission

President Ruto says Kenyan Police would be deployed to Haiti despite a court ruling against the deployment

President Ruto says Kenyan Police would be deployed to Haiti despite a court ruling against the deployment.

Following a court decision that blocked the mission, President William Ruto has disclosed a new strategy his administration will employ to move forward with the police deployment to Haiti. 

President Ruto stated in an interview with Reuters that his administration has reviewed the decision and is prepared to address the problems the court brought out. 

Ruto underlined that the operation will proceed if Haiti signs the necessary documentation as instructed by the court, refuting assertions that the verdict put an embargo on it. 

The Head of State declared that the Kenyan Police would be sent to Haiti as early as next week, following the completion of the paperwork exchange.

“I think there is a misinterpretation of what the court did,” he first responded to Reuters.

“So we already have a bilateral relations with Haiti. All that needs to be done now is for Haiti to make a request to Kenya and the mission will continue as soon as next week if all the paperwork is done between Kenya and Haiti on the bilateral route that has been suggested by the court,” Ruto explained. 

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In a ruling on Friday, January 26, Justice Chacha Mwita said that the planned deployment would be illegal since the National Security Council has no legal authority to send police officers outside Kenya.

 “A declaration is hereby issued that the National Security Council has no mandate to deploy police officers outside Kenya under article 240 (8) of the Constitution. An order is hereby issued prohibiting deployment of police officers to Haiti or any other country otherwise in compliance with part 14 that is sections 107 and 108 of the national police service act,” Justice Mwita said.

He further mentioned that the deployment is only provided to a reciprocating country which Haiti is not.

However, Ruto indicated that Kenya entered into a bilateral agreement with Haiti giving a green light for the mission. Nonetheless, he vowed to formalize the deal to bypass facing headwinds through the court.

In 2023, Kenya volunteered to lead a multinational security force in Haiti to quell gang violence. The US and other nations also pledged to help Kenya in the peace restoration mission.

Despite the court ruling, the Haiti government remained hopeful that Kenya would honour its deployment pledge.

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