July 3, 2024

Ruto calls for emergency Cabinet meeting

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Ruto calls for emergency Cabinet meeting

President Willian Ruto to convene emergency Cabinet meeting over the ongoing El Nino rains

President Willian Ruto to convene emergency Cabinet meeting over the ongoing El Nino rains.

President William Ruto is slated to chair an impromptu Cabinet meeting on Monday, November 27 to address the Elnino rain effects.

The meeting’s agenda item will be the aftermath of the country’s ongoing El Nino rains, which have caused fatalities and population displacement in addition to other challenges. 

Ruto reported that around 36,160 homes had been relocated and that 70 people had died nationwide as a result of the floods brought on by the storms.

Given the above, the president suggested that it would be wise to establish detailed protocols to lessen the tragedies; hence, the need for the Cabinet meeting.  

“Taking into account the situation in the country, the Cabinet will meet to deliberate on the various recommendations made to ensure the country is better prepared for the management of the situation unfolding currently,” said Ruto.

The president was addressing the nation from State House, Nairobi, on Saturday, November 25. 

The president further sanctioned a multi-agency approach to assess and arrest the situation currently affecting Kenyans.

The Kenya Defence Forces and state disaster management agencies under the leadership of the relevant government Ministries were called to action. 

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“Immediately the National Disaster Operation Centre has been rolled into place and senior government officials would move there including those from the various agencies, the military and Council of Governors (CoG), and all relevant Ministries to coordinate all the information and receive reports from the parts of the country for adequate intervention,” he said. 

He said medicine and food would be airlifted to the affected areas with the help of the Kenya Defence Forces.

In Makueni, eight were killed in floods in the face of the heavy rains.

They were part of a larger group returning home after a meeting with First Lady Rachel Ruto in Kasarani, Nairobi on Thursday.

The group is said to have attempted to cross the Muooni River in Makueni County when they were carried away.

Several people had been unable to cross the river owing to heavy rains.

Officials said the group could have perished in the floods even as they trace their whereabouts.

Kenya Red Cross Makueni County coordinator Evans Peter said they have deployed its rescue team to follow up on the matter.

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