July 5, 2024

Ruto going for the only and last of Moi’s family in the elective seat

2 min read

Ruto going for the only and last of Moi’s family in the elective seat as his allies campaign against Raymond Moi in Rongai, Nakuru.

William Ruto’s allies stormed former President Daniel Moi’s Rongai backyard, urging voters to help end the Moi dynasty by rejecting his son Raymond Moi who is defending his Rongai parliamentary seat.

Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders led by Rigathi Gachagua held a series of rallies in Rongai where they launched an all-out war against Raymond Moi, the only Moi scion still holding an elective seat.

Raymond Moi is the only Moi’s family remaining in the elective after his young brother, Gideon Moi lost his Baringo senatorial seat in the 2022 elections.

Moi, who ruled for 24 years until his retirement in 2002, died in 2020.

Yesterday, Ruto’s allies rallied residents to help drive the last nail on the Moi dynasty.

They called on residents to elect Paul Chebor, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate.

“We already uprooted Gideon Moi from Baringo. I want to urge residents of Rongai to turn up in large numbers on Monday and vote overwhelmingly for Paul Chebor,” Gachagua told a crowd in Lower Solai.

Gachagua asked voters to reject Raymond Moi “and allow him to retire to go and enjoy Moi’s wealth.”

Ruto is keen to exert his dominance in the Rift Valley by vanquishing the Moi family’s influence in Rift Valley.

Surprisingly, former president Moi’s press secretary, Lee Njiru also joined the Kenya Kwanza team for the first time and openly backed Mr. Chebor’s election to replace Raymond Moi.

If Raymond loses his seat in elections which are due on the 30th, it will be the first time since 2007 when the ODM wave swept the Moi’s sons out of elective seats.

So powerful was the ODM wave then that Moi sons Gideon, Jonathan, and Raymond, who were in MP races for Baringo Central, Eldama Ravine, and Rongai constituencies respectively, all on a Kanu ticket, lost their bids.

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