July 4, 2024

Ruto-Kindiki trick that cost Musalia Mudavadi the presidency in 2013

3 min read

Ruto-Kindiki trick that cost ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi presidency in 2013.

Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki on Monday, July 4, revealed the trick he used to Musalia Mudavadi from ascending to power in 2013.

This was after the alleged agreement between Musalia Mudavadi and Uhuru Kenyatta with the latter agreeing to back Mudavadi.

Speaking during a rally in North Imenti, Meru County, Kindiki revealed that President Uhuru Kenyatta was always willing to let go of power due to pressure from outside. 

Kindiki made the revelations in the wake of leaked audio where Ruto confessed to nearly slapping Uhuru in 2017, for the second time, after the nullfication of presidential election results by the Supreme Court.

Kindiki admitted that he was the one who tore the contract that President Uhuru Kenyatta signed and announced that he was going to support Mudavadi.

He claimed that Uhuru had decided to abandon his campaign for the presidency but that the senator had intervened in time after the international community threatened to censure Kenya if he did.

Ruto-Kindiki trick 

“In 2013, when it was declared that the country would face sanctions by the international community, he went and signed an agreement to transfer power and his candidature to another candidate.”

“It was I and DP Ruto who went to his house and told him that he could not change the decision of the vote and that he must be in the ballot. I am the one who tore the agreement he has written while hiding under his bed,” he stated.

In his book ‘The Agreement between Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi’ the ANC revealed the details of the pact between him and the Head of State on December 18, 2012.

The agreement proposed that Uhuru steps down in favour of the former Vice President and that they would form a coalition in which he would be the presidential candidate – the announcement would be made within 12 days.

However, before then, a lot had changed and Uhuru announced that he was still in the race and that the decision to agree to the deal was imposed on him by dark forces.

“The devil came to me and told me that if we are elected, the West will not give Kenya money; that our tea can’t be sold abroad and that Kenyans are not ready for another Kikuyu president, as this will cause more bloodshed. Given that I love peace, then I decided to quit and support Musalia,” the President told the media.

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