July 3, 2024

Ruto postpones party elections amid wrangles in UDA

3 min read
Ruto postpones party elections amid wrangels in UDA

Ruto postpones UDA party elections to April, 2024 amid supremacy battle for the positions among faction groups

Ruto postpones UDA party elections to April, 2024 amid supremacy battle for the positions among faction groups.

President William Ruto has postponed the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) grassroots elections following a meeting held by the party’s National Steering Committee.

The elections for the party were originally slated for December 9, 2023, but UDA Secretary-General Cleophas Malala announced in a statement that they would now take place in three clusters on April 12, 19, and 26.

Malala affirmed that a comprehensive timetable delineating the county clusters will be made available at a subsequent date.

“We encourage all aspirants to continue with their registration, which will remain open until 6:00 pm on March 22, 2024.”

Elections have been postponed amid internal party strife over disputes about control amongst officials.

Senator Boni Khalwale of Kakamega filed a petition last month to stop Malala from supervising the elections. 

The Senator charged that the Secretary-General intended to appoint his friends to oversee the elections in order to rig the primary results. 

He added that Malala had gone above both his authority and the National Elections Board’s mandate. 

Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa also accused Malala of disrupting the party from within by frustrating the affiliate parties.

Reports as well indicated a crisis within the ruling UDA party, with insiders alleging that members were divided into two factions. 

Some politicians were said to be leaning towards President Ruto, while others around his deputy Rigathi Gachagua. 

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In addition, Both Mt Kenya and the Western region are restive and at the centre of the friction rocking UDA amid fears the scramble might create tensions and spoil the party for the outfit.

Politicians from the Mt Kenya region are up in arms over the proposal and want Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to be the only deputy party leader.

Leaders from the region have opposed what they have termed a scheme to clip Gachagua’s influence in the party by introducing two more deputy leaders at the helm.

They claim that two more deputies would completely neutralise his influence within the rank and file of the party at a time when he needs the structures to plan on how to succeed Ruto.

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