July 3, 2024

Ruto reveals why he appointed Francis Ogolla as Chief of Defence Forces

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Ruto reveals why he appointed Francis Ogolla as Chief of Defence Forces

Ruto reveals why he appointed Francis Ogolla as Chief of Defence Forces as he warns him of toxic ethnicity

Ruto reveals why he appointed Francis Ogolla as Chief of Defence Forces as he warns him of toxic ethnicity.

President Wiliam Ruto, on Saturday, April 29, advised the newly appointed Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Francis Ogolla to maintain national stability via vigilance, neutrality, and stern obedience to the law.

While presiding over the swearing-in of top military officials appointed to new roles on Friday, April 28, Ruto remarked that Ogolla must assume his duties with honor in order to unite the nation and assist in resolving national problems.

“It is my expectation that the professional standards of the Kenya Defence Forces will be observed and under your leadership,” President Ruto demanded. 

President Ruto also directed Ogolla to uphold the KDF’s reputation, which had been developed over the years through moral behavior and judgment.

“Kenya has a tradition of a military that is professional, that is outstanding, that has integrity and that serves not just the people of Kenya, but our region and the globe,” Ruto cautioned. 

Further, he warned the military against taking part in toxic ethnicity since such actions would only lead to anarchy and division in the country.

“It is my expectation and that of the government of Kenya that we shall continue to see a military that serves the people of Kenya, and we do not expect to see ethnicity, bias or any other consideration apart from professionalism,” Ruto warned.

Ruto, nonetheless, expressed his confidence in the leadership of Ogolla’s understanding of issues, particularly, the role of the military in nation-building.

He promised to give the new Chief of Defence Forces maximum corporation and support for him to lead Kenyan soldiers in protecting the integrity of the borders.

Why he (Ruto) appointed Ogolla

“In considering your appointment – I reviewed your background, journey in the military and where you have come from, and I am satisfied that you merit the office. 

“You have my confidence that of the Republic of Kenya to discharge your mandate as the Chief of Defence Forces,” Ruto assured General Ogolla.

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Ruto appoints Gen Francis Ogolla as Chief of Defence Forces

Ogolla replaced his boss and former Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) General Robert Kibochi, who retired after serving the country for over 44 years in various ranks and files.

Prior to his promotion and appointment on Friday, April 28, Ogolla was the Vice CDF, a position he held for more than four years.

His appointment comes amid controversy in the August, 2022 general elections.

After the August 2022 General Election, he had a run-in with the Kenya Kwanza administration, who accused him of being part of power brokers who wanted to overturn the people’s will and bar President William Ruto from assuming power. 

The former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati and the ex-commissioners Prof. Abdi Guliye and Moya Bolu faulted Ogolla and other members of the National Security Council (NSC) for reportedly interfering with the election.

However, the Council, refuted the claims, noting that NSC members visited the Bomas of Kenya on the eve of the election as part of their security obligation.

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