July 3, 2024

Ruto sets conditions for talks as Raila issues demands

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Ruto sets conditions for talks as Raila issues demands

Ruto sets conditions for talks with Raila as Azimio issues five demands to resolve the political impasse

Ruto sets conditions for talks with Raila as Azimio issues five demands to resolve the political impasse.

President William Ruto has confirmed that he met with opposition leader Raila Odinga and has disclosed the guidelines for their negotiations.

While Ruto expressed his willingness to discuss various topics, he made it clear that the safety of Kenyans is non-negotiable, and he will not engage in talks that compromise the peace and security of the nation.

Speaking during interdenominational Thanksgiving prayers in Kwale County, Ruto made it clear that no leader should incite violence that results in casualties and property damage in Kenya.

“It will not continue that there are leaders either present, past or future that will plan violence that will lead to killings and destruction of property or destroy businesses” he said.

Responding to criticism regarding the absence of the cost of living as a topic for negotiations, Ruto defended Kenya Kwanza’s manifesto, stating that the government is already addressing the issue through various development projects in the blue economy and housing sectors to create employment opportunities for the youth, thereby preventing their involvement in protests.

Meanwhile, Azimio under Raila Odinga has issued five fresh demands to President William Ruto to resolve the political impasse.

Speaking at his Karen home on Sunday, July 30, the opposition leader demanded that lowering the cost of living must be part of the talks.

He noted that the regime is mandated by the Constitution to guarantee access to basic needs such as food, education, water, and health hence the Head of State should implement policies that would solve the economic crisis.

Further, Raila noted that the Kenya Kwanza administration must disown utterances made by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua claiming that Kenya was a private entity that hires individuals who voted for the regime.

“We remind Kenya Kwanza that the declaration by Rigathi Gachagua that Kenya is a private company, which has never been disowned by Willam Ruto, isolates, marginalizes, and treats several communities and regions in Kenya as second-class citizens. It has revived the question of a credible solution of the right to self-determination,” Raila stated.

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In addition, Azimio disowned the issues contained in the Kenya Kwanza statement and highlighted their agenda including the audit of the 2022 elections, the bipartisan reconstitution of IEBC and respect for the autonomy and independence of political parties.

Additionally, Azimio leader noted that the issue of accountability and responsibility for the brutality and abuse of human rights of protestors ought to be part of the talks.

The ODM leader warned the Kenya Kwanza regime against interfering in the issues they seek to raise.

“It is our position that no party to these negotiations can and should determine for the other what to raise and what not to raise. 

“We will respect Kenya Kwanza’s right to bring all its issues to the table. Likewise, we expect Kenya Kwanza to have no objection to our priorities,” Raila stated indicating that his camp will continue engaging with the public by holding assemblies.

Azimio also rebuked Kenya Kwanza’s efforts in denying Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo’s presence and leadership in mediating the talks.

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