July 3, 2024

Ruto to get more powers in the IEBC selection panel

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Ruto to get more powers in the IEBC selection panel

Ruto to get more powers in the IEBC selection panel according to a new proposal by Senate Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs

Ruto to get more powers in the IEBC selection panel according to a new proposal by Senate Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs.

If the Senate approves the proposal from the Senate Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs, and Human Rights, it would give Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza coalition extra seats on the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) selection panel.

The report suggested eliminating one position from the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC), and then giving that position to the party with the majority in Parliament—in this case, the Kenya Kwanza alliance.

As of now,  both the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio la Umoja coalitions have one slot each in the IEBC selection panel.

The administration of President William Ruto will have the advantage in the selection process, though, should the amendments be put into effect.

“All the 80+ political parties have only been given one slot from the seven slots in the selection panel.

“It tells you that there’s somebody somewhere who would want to have planned people on that selection panel so that they will ensure they give him a pliant commission in 2027,” Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna indicated to NTV.

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In addition, the report also proposed for the Inter-Religious Council to be granted two slots – the same as the PSC. 

This, however, did not sit well with the members of the Opposition who criticized the motive behind the move. 

“Are you really saying that the religious community has a greater stake in elections than political parties? It just doesn’t make sense to us,” Sifuna added. 

The 2022 IEBC Amendment Bill had been approved by the National Assembly, and as a result, the PSC, Political Parties Liaison Committee (PPLC), and Inter-Religious Council were each given three slots, the Law Society of Kenya and Public Service Commission were each given one slot, and the majority and minority sides were each given one slot.

Attorney General Justin Muturi’s comments that the majority and minority should have equal representation on the selection panel will be in conflict with the Senate JLAC’s proposed modifications.

“The majority side selects only one representative as well as the minority side because as to ensure no one feels shortchanged,” Muturi stated during the launch of the Post Election Evaluation Report on Monday, January 16. 

The Senators were recalled for a special sitting on Thursday, January 19, in a bid to fast-track the 2022 IEBC (Amendment) Bill.

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