June 29, 2024

Ruto to punish Kenya Kwanza MPs who voted against finance bill, 2023

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Kenya Kwanza MPs who voted against the controversial finance bill 2023 to be punished according to Senator Cherargei.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei has stated that Kenya Kwanza Members of Parliament who opposed the Finance Bill at the National Assembly will face disciplinary action.

In a statement via Twitter on Wednesday, June 14 evening, the senator noted that his colleagues in the President William Ruto-led camp will be punished for going against the directions of the coalition.

Cherargei also noted that the victory of the Kenya Kwanza in the National Assembly is a clear indication that President Ruto’s administration is unstoppable in the transformation of the country.

“The resurgence of Kenya kwanza in Parliament is volcanic that shall H.E Ruto is unstoppable in the transformation of the country. The few elements within Kenya Kwanza MPs who opposed the Bill shall face party KK disciplinary action,” said Cherargei.

He went on to say that, Kenya Kwanza’s victory has sent the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition into oblivion. “Finance Bill 2023; Votes 176 ayes, 81 nays. We have vanquished the Azimio-OKA minority opposition to the bill into oblivion,” he stated.

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Notably, Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba is among the Kenya Kwanza MPs who voted against the bill.

Speaking on Wednesday Wamuchoma stated that she is ready to lose her seat for opposing the controversial bill.

“They are planning violence against me at public events in my constituency. This is cheap and I repeat that I am prepared to lose my seat for standing up for the truth,” she said during an interview with Inooro FM.

Wamuchomba went on to say that she is not an Azimio mole and is ready to be removed from the ruling party.

“Some are peddling rumors that I am a mole of Azimio la Umoja. I am not; I am simply on the side of the truth. But whatever this involvement brings I am ready for any eventuality. Whether they remove me from the party or send me to a by-election, I am ready,” she added.

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