July 8, 2024

Ruto warns Kenyans against participating in Raila’s street protests

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Ruto warns Kenyans against participating in Raila's street protests

Ruto warns Kenyans against participating in Raila's nationwide street protests over the suspension of IEBC commissioners

Ruto warns Kenyans against participating in Raila’s nationwide street protests over the suspension of IEBC commissioners.

On Friday, December 2, President William Ruto urged Kenyans not to participate in the protest demonstrations that party leader Raila Odinga of the Orange Democratic Movement had called for.

Speaking at a roadside gathering in Ruiru, Kiambu, Ruto charged that Raila was out to use common Kenyans as pawns to further his political goals.

“His brother is a senator, his sister is a woman representative, and his daughter is an East African Legislative Assembly lawmaker, yet he wants to use you in demonstrations.

“This is not possible, you will not deceive us,” Ruto stated after attending a pass-out parade at Kenya Prisons. 

Additionally, President Ruto asked members of the opposition to uphold their monitoring responsibilities and advance peace.

In his view, leaders should put the good of the country before their own interests, particularly in times of economic hardship and hunger. 

“We must unite to address the challenges facing Kenyans, such as the current famine, and desist from issues that add no value to the lives of Kenyans,” the President appealed. 

The statement by President Ruto came hours after Raila Odinga vowed to hold consultation forums at the Kamukunji grounds in protest of the suspension of the Cherera Four commissioners. 

A  tribunal has already been established by President Ruto to investigate the four commissioners of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), vice chair Juliana Cherera, Irene Maist, Francis Wanderi, and Justus Nyang’aya.

However, Nyang’aya announced his resignation, claiming that the interests of the country came above his own.

On Friday, December 2, Raila and Ruto disagreed about the decision to question the commissioners. 

He claimed that the President was preparing a scheme to rig the general election in 2027.

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