July 3, 2024

Ruto’s allies respond to Raila over his criticism on ‘Mambo ni Matatu’ remark by the president 

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Ruto's allies respond to Raila over his criticism on ‘Mambo ni Matatu’ remark by the president

Ruto allies defend President Ruto against criticism by Azimio leader Raila Odinga over ‘Mambo ni Matatu’ remarks

Ruto allies defend President Ruto against criticism by Azimio leader Raila Odinga over ‘Mambo ni Matatu’ remarks.

The response comes after Raila strongly criticized President William Ruto’s recent ‘mambo ni matatu’ warning, alleging that the president is pushing Kenya towards a regressive era.

In a warning at the corrupt and unscrupulous businessmen who exploit public resources, Ruto gave three ‘options’ – leave the country, go to jail or go to heaven to those who were derailing the revival of Mumias Sugar Company.

Raila termed remarks as reckless arguing that were in bad taste.

“Mtu anakuja alafu anatisha watu anasema ati wewe utahama, nitakuweka jela au utaenda kwa Mungu, hayo ni mazungumzo ya aina gani? he posed.

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“Sasa Kenya hii imekuwa ni yake anakuambia wewe toka na umezaliwa hapa Kenya hii, uhame uende wapi? Hiyo ni utawala wa aina gani hio?” Raila added.

However, President Ruto’s allies defended the ‘Mambo ni Matatu’ remarks describing them as figurative speech.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetangu’la, described them as figurative speech. Wetangu’la explained, “In speechmaking, we have various forms, including imagery speeches, figurative speeches, allegories, and parables.”

He also added, “Anyone who defends corruption is an enemy of the Kenyan people.”

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