July 3, 2024

State still plotting to disrupt Azimio demonstrations- Raila

2 min read
State still plotting to disrupt Azimio demonstrations- Raila

Raila alleges the State still holding secret meetings plotting to disrupt Azimio demonstrations on Thursday

Raila alleges the State still holding secret meetings plotting to disrupt Azimio demonstrations on Thursday.

A group of Kenya Kwanza leaders, according to Azimio leader Raila Odinga, are planning to disrupt Thursday’s mass demonstrations.

In order to misrepresent the Azimio protests, a senior government official is allegedly organizing the covert meetings, according to Raila.

“They have been meeting and we know their every plan. They will also meet today (Wednesday) to plan but we have people who are keeping us updated on their moves,” he said.

The Azimio leader maintained that Thursday’s mass action is still on and called supporters to show up in large numbers for the protests.

Raila spoke after meeting Kibra Nubi, the PCEA community, and business leaders at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation offices in Nairobi.

He was in the company of Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, and former Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa.

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In addition, Raila sympathized with Kirbra traders who suffered huge losses the night after the Monday, March 27, demonstrations. 

He promised to help the traders rebuild their shops. “We are sorry for traders whose businesses were destroyed recently in Kibra. We understand you suffered a huge loss, and we are ready to help you rebuild by providing construction materials such as Mabati,” Raila said.

Raila said Azimio protests are peaceful, based on factors that affect common Mwanchi.

“We do not want the destruction of properties and economic sabotage. All we want is the government to fulfill its promises to traders and Kenyans facing the tough effects of the economy,” he added. 

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