July 3, 2024

Stop abusive language against Raila, Ruto ally tells Kwanza Leaders

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Stop abusive language against Raila, Ruto ally tells Kwanza Leaders

Ruto ally and Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri tells Kenya Kwanza leaders to Stop using abusive language against Raila Odinga

Ruto ally and Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri tells Kenya Kwanza leaders to Stop using abusive language against Raila Odinga.

Laikipia East MP and leader of The Service Party (TSP) Mwangi Kiunjuri has urged Kenya Kwanza and Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance Party rivals to act with decorum and sobriety ahead of peace talks.

The MP lent his support to efforts to forge a bipartisan discussion between President William Ruto and Raila Odinga, and he even suggested that the newly established committee look beyond concerns made by the opposition and consider revising Kenya’s 2010 Constitution. 

Speaking in Laikipia on Thursday, April 6, Kiunjuri dissuaded the political disputes between the two factions’ leaders, saying they were unhelpful for solving the actual problems that Kenyans were facing. 

He was categorical that Raila and his supporters had done well to stop mass action and agree to sit on the table and Kenya Kwanza leaders needed to reciprocate by stopping their verbal slurs against the Opposition. 

“We have all agreed that is why we want to have this conversation. I urge Raila to get out of the streets and stop wearing sufurias and throwing stones come on the table. 

“Those of us in Kenya Kwanza must stop abusing Raila and Azimio so that we can address the real issues facing Kenyans. So far no one can chest thump that they have more numbers than others,” Kiunjuri stated. 

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The MP who served as a Cabinet Secretary in former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime said that the discussion which needed prioritisation was how well Kenyans are represented and their issues solved, not political supremacy battles. 

“There is no room for chest thumping about who is superior to the other. We have done our calculations and it is clear that Kenya has 7.8 million unrepresented voters, seven million Opposition voters and and 7.1 million voters who voted for the current regime. There is no one who can brag that they have the superior numbers thus Kenyans come first,” Kiunjuri said. 

This comes at the back of Raila, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and host of Kenya Kwanza ieaders having taken on each other in verbal battles over an anticipated handshake arrangement. 

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