July 3, 2024

Tabitha Karanja lobbies for the impeachment of Governor Susan Kihika

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Tabitha Karanja lobbies for the impeachment of Governor Susan Kihika

Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja Keroche calls for the impeachment of Governor Susan Kihika over lack of leadership

Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja Keroche calls for the impeachment of Governor Susan Kihika over lack of leadership

Speaking on Tuesday, the Nakuru senator called on Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) to impeach Governor Susan Kihika over the hospital chaos.

The Senator charged that the Governor’s lack of leadership caused disputes between the Nakuru County Government and the hospital’s management, which ultimately resulted in patients becoming caught in the crossfire.

In the most recent episode, a family confronted a Nakuru Kanjo at the medical facility after the staffer disconnected a dialysis machine from their relative’s bed. 

Senator Keroche also expressed his dissatisfaction over patients being left unattended for hours on end while others were kicked out of the hospital.

“As Nakuru people, we call upon our MCAs to draw an impeachment motion regarding the governor’s conduct and ethics, failure to do so, we as Nakuru people will compel them to do so by following Article One of the constitution,” she stated.

Karanja faulted Kihika for interfering with the hospital’s operations and affecting hundreds of patients.

She asserted that the governor disobeys court orders and never upholds the law.

The lawmaker reaffirmed that she will provide President William Ruto with the information, adding that he is anticipated to visit the area.

Karanja said it was inexcusable what Governor Kihika has made the locals go through since Friday. She went on to denounce the county government’s onslaught on the hospital.

“We sincerely sympathize with the patients and their next of kin, the doctors, workers, and the investors. We pray that God gives them endurance and power to overcome,” she wrote.

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In the last week, patients at the hospital were forcefully transferred to the Nakuru Provisional General Hospital Annex Wing following the dispute between the two parties.

The county government had sought orders to take over the hospital in 2023 but the court halted the process.

However, the county began the takeover process in 2024 when kanjos raided the hospital in a chaotic episode where kanjos broke property.

Five government officials and directors at the hospital have been arrested and charged for allegedly forging documents to change ownership of the disputed land.

Governor Kihika on Wednesday defended the raid at the medical facility stating that it was necessary to reclaim the parcel which she claimed is public land.

On Tuesday, Senator Karanja revealed that the court had allowed the management to regain access to the facility after the county officers raid, and warned the county government against contempt.

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