TSC Salary Scale for Junior Secondary Teachers

TSC Salary Scale for Junior Secondary Teachers (How Much Junior Secondary Teachers Will Be Paid)
TSC Salary Scale for Junior Secondary Teachers (How Much Junior Secondary Teachers Will Be Paid)
Junior secondary teachers employed on Permanent and Pensionable Terms of Service will fall under job group C2 formerly called job group k. Junior secondary school teachers will be paid a salary of between 34,955 to 43,694 basic salary plus a Commuter allowance of 5000 and a Rental House allowance of 7500 as shown in the below teachers’ salary scales.
TSC Salary Scale for Junior Secondary Teachers
Salary points C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
1 34,955 43,154 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
2 36,280 45,124 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
3 37,654 47,183 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
4 39,081 49,336 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
5 40,562 51,588 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 148,360
6 42,099 53,943 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 152,937
7 43,694 . . 64,631 85,269 91,041 104,644 121,890 157,656
Intern teachers who will be employed at Junior Secondary school will be paid as follows
Monthly stipend for Teacher interns
This is not a remunerative engagement. However, teacher interns attached to Primary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of Kshs. 15,000/=, while those attached to Junior Secondary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of Kshs. 20,000/=.
The stipend will be paid subject to statutory deductions, where
Upon successful completion of the Internship Programme, teacher interns will be awarded a certificate.
Teachers service commission in its latest adverts has advertised to employ over 30000 teachers to help in the implementation of the CBC curriculum in junior secondary.
TSC is set to employ teachers as follows
a) 9,000 posts on Permanent and Pensionable Terms of Service for Secondary School Teachers to be posted to Junior Secondary Schools.
b) 1,000 posts on Permanent and Pensionable terms of service for primary school teachers.
c) 21,550 posts for Teacher Interns in junior secondary Schools.
d) 4,000 posts for Teacher Interns in Primary Schools.
1 C2 K Secondary Teacher II
2 C3 L Secondary Teacher I
3 C4 NEW GRADE Deputy Headteacher
4 C5 M Senior Master II
5 D1 M & N Deputy Principal IV & Senior Master II
6 D2 N. Deputy Principal III
7 D3 M & N Principals
8 D4 P Senior Principals
9 D5 Q & R Chief Principals
Newly employed Junior secondary TSC employed teachers should expect to take home a net salary( what you receive after deductions) of about Ksh 38 0000. This is not inclusive of the Helb loan.
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